May 3 ANC 2E: Sidewalks, Traffic, C&O Canal
By April 29, 2021 0 935
The Georgetown-Burleith-Hillandale Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC 2E)will hold its May meeting, 6:30 p.m., Monday, May 3, virtually — via Zoom or a conference call. The following is the agenda, as provided by ANC 2E.
Online at:
In accordance with the “COVID-19 Response Emergency Amendment Act of 2020” and current DC Health limitations on mass gatherings, this meeting will be held online via Zoom and can be accessed at the link above (there is no fee or account needed to use Zoom).
If you do not have a computer or access to the internet, you may join the meeting via phone at 301-715-8592 or 646-558-8656 with meeting ID 852 1163 8838 #.
Approval of the Agenda
• Approval of the ANC’s May 3, 2021, Meeting Agenda
• Approval of the ANC’s March 30, 2021, Meeting Minutes
• Public Safety and Police Report • Approval of the ANC’s FY 2021 Quarter 1 Financial Report
• Approval of the ANC’s FY 2021 Quarter 2 Financial Report
Community Comment
• Update from the Mayor’s Office
• Update from Council member Brooke Pinto’s Office
• Consideration of a Resolution Regarding a Community Impact Statement for the Recent Murder on Water Street NW
• Update from the D.C. Office of Human Rights Regarding the Work of the Office
• Update from the Department of Public Works Regarding a Proposed Mural at Los Cuates at 1564 Wisconsin Ave. NW
• Update Regarding Friends of Rose Park and the Department of Parks and Recreation
• Announcement Regarding Parking Enforcement Starting on June 1, 2021
• Update on the Potential Use of Porous Flexible Pavement to Repair Sidewalks in Georgetown
New Business
• Consideration of a Resolution Regarding the District Department of Transportation’s Notice of Intent for Water Street NW
• Consideration of a Resolution Requesting Traffic Control Officers on Weekends at the Intersection of Wisconsin Avenue and M Street NW for the Duration of the Widened Sidewalks Program
• Consideration of a Resolution Authorizing the ANC to Testify on Proposed Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration Changes Affecting the ANC
Alcoholic Beverage Control Board
• Application by Towne Wine & Liquor to Transfer the Establishment’s Retailer’s Class “A” Liquor Store License to a New Location at 1438 Wisconsin Ave. NW (ABRA- 093813)
• Application by Towne Wine & Liquor to Renew the Establishment’s Retailer’s Class “A” Liquor Store License at 1326 Wisconsin Ave. NW (ABRA-093813)
• Board of Zoning Adjustment Application for a Special Exception from the Minimum Rear Yard Requirements to Construct a Rear Addition to an Existing, Attached, Three- Story with Basement, Mixed-Use Building at 1338 Wisconsin Avenue NW (BZA #20495)
Old Georgetown Board
Full Review at This Time by ANC 2E: The ANC proposes to adopt a resolution regarding the following projects, which are on the upcoming May 6, 2021, agenda of the Old Georgetown Board (OGB).
1. SMD 2E05 – National Park Service C&O Canal National Historic Park (Square 1184, Lot 49, 840) C&O Canal adjacent to 34th Street pedestrian bridge (Square 1184, Lot 49, 840) New floating kayak and canoe launch dock Concept
2. SMD 2E06 – OG 21-164 (HPA 21-303) 1305-1315 30th Street, NW (Square 1234, Lot 831) Multi-family residence Window and door replacement, new rear balconies, parking structure, and interior renovation Concept
3. SMD 2E06 – OG 21-162 (HPA 21-301) 2801 N Street, NW (Square 1235, Lot 800) Institution Security bollards, replacement doors, and metal security fence Concept
4. SMD 2E07 – OG 21-171 (HPA 21-310) 2920 R Street, NW (Square 1283, Lot 72) Residence Two-story addition, underground garage, driveway ramp Concept
No Comment at This Time by ANC 2E: The following projects, which are on the upcoming May 6, 2021, agenda of the Old Georgetown Board (OGB), have not been added to the ANC meeting agenda for OGB-related design review and we do not propose to adopt a resolution regarding them at this time. If there are concerns about any of these projects, please contact the ANC office by Friday, April 30, 2021.
Multiple Single Member District Projects
1. OG 21-009 (HPA 21-023) Sites in Georgetown Various Locations Installation of African American Historic Markers, Phase 2 Permit
Individual Single Member District Projects
1. SMD 2E02 – OG 21-135 (HPA 21-244) 1698 32nd Street, NW (Square 1280, Lot 875) Residence New dormers, new windows, fenestration alterations Concept
2. SMD 2E02 – OG 21-173 (HPA 21-312) 1665 34th Street, NW (Square 1290, Lot 270) Single-family residence Rear addition, dormer, and renovation Permit
3. SMD 2E02 – OG 21-160 (HPA 21-299) 1726 34th Street, NW (Square 1297, Lot 73) Residence New wood fence Permit
4. SMD 2E02 – OG 21-129 (HPA 21-238) 3259 R Street, NW (Square 2154, Lot 47) Single-family residence Addition, alterations, and terrace Concept
5. SMD 2E02 – OG 21-175 (HPA 21-314) 3216 Reservoir Road, NW (Square 1280, Lot 929) Residence Add roof at interior courtyard, infill alley Concept
6. SMD2E03-OG21-146 (HPA21-285) 1334 31st Street, NW (Square 1243, Lot 55) Residence Roof and gutter replacement, balcony replacement Permit
7. SMD2E03-OG21-154 (HPA21-293) 1244 34th Street, NW (Square 1221, Lot 832) Residence Replace fence, add cornice, apply German smear to brick Permit
8. SMD 2E03 – OG 21-159 (HPA 21-298) 1306 34th Street, NW (Square 1228, Lot 831) Residence Replace wood fence and front gate Permit
9. SMD 2E03 – OG 21-138 (HPA 21-247) 1408 35th Street, NW (Square 1247, Lot 125) Single-family residence Addition and alterations Permit
10. SMD2E03-OG21-172 (HPA21-311) 1519 35th Street, NW (Square 1253, Lot 143) Single-family residence Replace first and second floor front windows Permit
11. SMD2E03-OG21-155 (HPA21-294) 3340 N Street, NW (Square 1220, Lot 845) Residence Rooftop deck alterations Permit
12. SMD2E03-OG21-149 (HPA21-288) 3322 O Street, NW (Square 1229, Lot 827) Residence Replace pergola, new outdoor kitchen, and landscaping Concept
13. SMD2E03-OG21-144 (HPA21-275) 3613 O Street, NW (Square 1248, Lot 829) Residence Roof replacement, site work, two new windows, and structural repair Permit
14. SMD2E03-OG21-163 (HPA21-302) 3131 P Street, NW (Square 1270, Lot 71) Residence Window replacement Permit
15. SMD2E03-OG21-147 (HPA21-286) 3416 P Street, NW (Square 1246, Lot 842) Residence Fence, wall, archway repair Permit
16. SMD2E03-OG21-170 (HPA21-309) 3148 Q Street, NW (Square 1270, Lot 49) Residence Fence and retaining wall replacement Permit
17. SMD2E03-OG21-174 (HPA21-313) 3123 Dumbarton Street, NW (Square 1243, Lot 831) Residence Elevator overrun Permit
18. SMD2E03-OG21-153 (HPA21-292) 1310 Wisconsin Avenue, NW (Square 1231, Lot 143) Commercial Antenna replacement – T-Mobile Concept
19. SMD2E05-OG21-167 (HPA21-306) 1049 30th Street, NW (Square 1192, Lot 815) Commercial Alterations, site work Permit
20. SMD2E05-OG21-165 (HPA21-304) 3259 M Street, NW (Square not provided, Lot not provided) Commercial Pin-mounted sign, painted wall sign, and new rooftop mechanical equipment Permit
21. SMD2E05-OG21-136 (HPA21-245) 3134 Dumbarton Street, NW (Square 1232, Lot 827) Single-family residence Replace windows and door Permit
22. SMD2E05-OG21-148 (HPA21-287) 3210 Grace Street, NW, Apt 304 (Square 1188, Lot 2024) Residence Door replacement Permit
23. SMD2E05-OG21-157 (HPA21-296) 3614 Prospect Street, NW (Square 1202, Lot 59) Residence Install two sculptures in public space for a period of six months Permit
24. SMD2E05-OG21-152 (HPA21-291) 1078 Wisconsin Avenue, NW (Square 1200, Lot 838) Commercial New signage for Mason’s Famous Lobster Rolls Permit
25. SMD2E06-OG21-151 (HPA21-290) 1232 27th Street, NW (Square 1215, Lot 83) Residence Window and door replacement Permit
26. SMD2E06-OG21-156 (HPA21-295) 1306 27th Street, NW (Square 1236, Lot 824) Residence Exterior alterations and interior renovation Permit
27. SMD2E06-OG21-145 (HPA21-284) 1323 28th Street, NW (Square 1236, Lot 837) Residence Replace front door and sidelights and infill vent with brick Permit
28. SMD2E06-OG21-158 (HPA21-297) 1231-1235 31st Street NW (Square 1209, Lot 46) Residence Enlarge previously approved balcony; retractable screen Revised permit
29. SMD2E06-OG21-150 (HPA21-289) 3028 N Street, NW (Square 1209, Lot 49) Residence Window and door replacement Permit
30. SMD2E06-OG21-166 (HPA21-305) 3025 Orchard Lane, NW (Square 1269, Lot 358) Residence Replace existing driveway and repair front walk Permit
31. SMD2E06-OG21-168 (HPA21-307) 2714 Poplar Street, NW (Square 1260, Lot 822) Residence Window and door replacement, underpinning and extension of basement Concept
32. SMD2E07-OG21-169 (HPA21-308) 1513 28th Street, NW (Square 1266, Lot 278) Residence One-story rear addition, window and door replacement Concept
33. SMD2E07-OG21-161 (HPA21-300) 1623 28th Street, NW (Square 1285, Lot 815) Evermay Dormer shingle replacement Permit
34. SMD2E07-OG21-082 (HPA21-159) 1703 32nd Street, NW (Square 2155, Lot 812) Dumbarton Oaks Addition to existing greenhouse, site work Concept
35. SMD2E07-OG20-277 (HPA20-508) 3040 R Street, NW (Square 1282, Lot 2002) Multi-family residence Replace second floor windows and door on front and rear elevations Permit
36. SMD2E07-OG21-111 (HPA21-205) 1805 Wisconsin Avenue, NW (Square 1299, Lot 319) Commercial Raze existing building for new four story building Concept
Government of the District of Columbia: Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2E
3265 S St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20007
202-724-7098 —