ANC 2E Oct. Report: Apple, Tudor Place, Gambling
By October 5, 2021 0 994
The Georgetown-Burleith-Hillandale Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC 2E) held its October meeting, 6:30 p.m., Monday, Oct. 4, virtually. The following is a select report of that meeting by The Georgetowner.
Tudor Place Requests Support for Garage Addition
A representative of Tudor Place Archives and Collections at 1644 31st St. NW requested support for a Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA) application. Requested support is for the construction of a new two-story with basement addition to an existing, detached, three-story with basement, accessory garage.
Mark Hudson of Tudor Place said it has appeared before BZA for a total of five times since 1988 to operate as a non-profit museum. Other than the addition of a garage, the museum will not change. The plan was created to preserve the architecture and restore the property’s landscape. Plans were presented to OGB in September of 2019 and April of 2021 that focused on the length of the project that reduced the terrace by 18 feet which was an overall reduction of 25 percent. Hudson said that he has been working with neighboring property owners on the aesthetics of a landscape buffer between the site and 32nd Street NW in order to enhance the view and provide a graceful balance. He also noted that the garage portion will not be seen from 32nd and Q Streets NW and parking will not be affected.
Commissioner Jenny Mitchell (2E02) opposed the application due to community opposition. Commissioner Mitchell said that the community voiced frustrations of Tudor Place project representatives not being responsive to their concerns. Support for the application ultimately passed and will be communicated to BZA.
Apple Store Requests Support for Parking Relief
Representatives of the Apple store at 1229 Wisconsin Ave. NW asked the commission to support a BZA application that will provide a minimum vehicle parking requirement to construct a basement addition to an existing one-story building. Carolyn Brown of the Brown Law Firm is representing the legal side of the project and expressed to the commission that the renovations will provide a break room, bike storage, additional office space and a shower and locker room area for employees who bike and run to work. The project will reduce underground parking by nine spots, leaving the amount of spaces at two. Brown noted that since one cano’t access the store from the garage, it is impractical for customers. Commissioner Lisa Palmer (2E05) pointed out that Apple conducted a thorough transportation study for the application and the applicants noted that neighboring properties will not be affected. The commission motioned to support the BZA application.
MPD Crime Report
An officer of the Metropolitan Police Department gave an update on crime in Georgetown. He said that fortunately nothing too alarming has jumped out in the last 30 days other than a handful of robberies. No incidents of Assault with a Dangerous Weapon, Homicide, or Sexaual Assault were reported. However, vehicle theft is up considerably from four in August to 14 in September. Perpetrators are taking advantage of the pandemic by stealing items out of delivery driver vehicles whenever they jump out to drop off an item. Consumers are using this option more than ever so the potential for theft will always be there.
The commission mentioned that there has been a rash of tire slashings and the difficulty to identify individuals involved in the act. Other than property damage, there is a grave danger of motorists getting out on the highway at higher speeds before noticing the flat and having their vehicle veer out of control. The MPD officer said that a picture of the main suspect has been circulated to all of the officers working the area. “The act of tire slashing is hard to catch because it can be done in a matter of seconds,” he said. Another problem is the amount of time between an arrest and a trial date. In some cases, people who are getting arrested now will not go to trial until next summer. In the interim, the suspects are out on the streets again committing the same act.
Report from Offices of Mayor Bowser and Council Member Pinto
A representative from Mayor Bowser’s office was on hand for the meeting and said that more than 70 percent of D.C. residents are vaccinated as well as 90 percent of individuals over the age of 65. It was also noted that all students and adult personnel of D.C. schools must be vaccinated by Nov. 1. The representative also spoke of yard waste being collected. You must leave your yard waste in paper bags next to your trash collection in order for it to be composted. It was also noted that Mayor Bowser is placing an emphasis on affordable housing in the budget. A representative from Commissioner Pinto’s office said that they are working with city agencies to get a clear timeline for projects that were in the budget.
P Street Project Meets Opposition
Richard Cook, architectural representative for a property located at 3147 P S. NW, spoke before the commission on a house modification project. He said that the property’s two-story bay will be modified into a one-story bay. Cook requested support from ANC 2E before he presented his modification project to OGB. Commissioner Rick Murphy (2E03) voiced opposition over the project and stated that it was due to a lack of outreach to the area’s neighbors. Murphy also pointed out that the applicant did not come to the meeting prepared with a proposal. The commission passed a measure to neither support nor oppose the project but rather communicate to OGB that the applicant has made no outreach attempts to the community and came unprepared to the meeting.
Illegally Installed Neon Signs
The topic of neon signs being used illegally in the Georgetown Historic District was discussed. The usage is contrary to OGB and Historic Preservation Office (HPO) rules. The commission voiced their frustration on the signs and deemed them inappropriate. A motion was passed unanimously to suggest to the city that laws are to be enforced immediately. Commissioner Palmer spearheaded the topic.
Support Requested for Gambling Kiosks
Greg Casten of Nick’s Riverside Grille at 3050 K St. NW and Tony & Joe’s Seafood Place at 3000 K St. NW spoke on the subject of installing DC Lottery gambling kiosks inside the establishments. Casten noted that there is already a gambling culture in D.C., and this is a way to make it safe and monitored and not a shady back-alley situation. Kiosks will be located relatively close to the bar area. The commission did not make a motion in support or protest for this Class C Restaurant License application.
ANC 2E Quick Hits
Support for Neighborhood Livability Study: A resolution was passed for DDOT to kick off a study in the next six weeks that will reduce traffic, promote greenspace, promote safety, design commuter friendly routes and allow both commercial and residential areas to thrive.
Recognition for Jamie Scott: Jamie Scott has served with Georgetown Business Improvement District for six years and has worked with developers and stakeholders to help area neighborhoods prosper. The commission passed a resolution thanking Scott for his service.
Approval of the ANC 2E FY 2022 Budget: Will be voted on at the next meeting in November.
Georgetown Metrorail Update: On Oct. 1, funds were released for a transportation study to identify a range of alternatives to offer rapid transit through Georgetown, including a gondola system, additional bus lines and other connections.
Proposed Extension to Widened Sidewalks: The commission looked favorably on some of the platforms that accommodate outdoor dining throughout Georgetown but couldn’t support the plan as a whole. Comments on the plan from the commission will be passed onto DDOT’s Public Space Committee.
ANC 2E Protests Class C Restaurant License for We the Pizza: The commission protested the application on the grounds of peace, order and quiet. It agreed to drop the protest whenever the applicants, who were not present at the meeting, could reach a settlement agreement. The establishment is located at 3237 M St. NW.
Support for the Replacement of 12 Removed Bricks: A representative for a project that is underway at 2903 P St. NW requested the commission’s support for an application to remove and replace 12 sidewalk bricks in order to repair rotting boards. The commission supported the Public Space Application.
Next ANC 2E Meeting: Meeting will be held on Nov. 1 at 6:30 p.m. For more information, including upcoming agenda items and a link to access the meeting via Zoom, visit