Wild Thistle Kitchen: Christmas Cookie Box with Peppermint Bark
By December 9, 2021 0 1233
•Have you seen all the beautifully festive Christmas Cookie Boxes flying around Instagram? Well I have, and I had some major Christmas cookie box fomo last year and finally got around to making one! So, I figured I’d finally take the time to share the recipes I used and a few tips on how to make a Christmas cookie box! Oh, and I’m finally, FINALLY sharing my famous and highly beloved white chocolate peppermint bark recipe!
First thing’s first: you have to decide on your cookie and treat varieties. I like to do at least 6 types — but don’t stress — a few of the options can be no-bake or even store-bought candies. You want to have some little treats for filling in the cracks!
Recipes Featured in This Cookie Box
Flourless Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies
Grammy’s Chocolate Cookies – Martha Stewart
Five Spice Snickerdoodles – Displaced Housewife
French Meringues – The Kitchn
White Chocolate Peppermint Bark – recipe below!
Pecan Snowballs – Ash Cuoco
Classic Molasses Ginger Cookies – Displaced Housewife (recipe from The Cookie Book)
To me, these hit all of my must-have Christmas cookie tastes and textures. But that’s the great and FUN thing about making a cookie box; You have full creative authority! Choose your favorite cookies and treats – the special recipes you wait all year to make — and have fun with it.
Different Sizes, Textures and Flavors
Something classic, spiced, fruity, chocolatey — I like to include a variety of flavors. This box has something for everyone. I chose to fill the chocolate cookies with a super simple American buttercream that I spiked with peppermint extract and then rolled in crushed candy canes for an extra-special and festive touch.
One of my favorite things to do is use the same cookie recipe but make two different sizes just for some visual interest. You can see this with the peanut butter oatmeal cookies. It’s super simple to make two sizes of almost any cookie dough. Just decrease the baking time by a few minutes.
I like to include some candy-like treat which in this box you can see as the peppermint bark and the meringues. These are perfect for filling in cracks and just making everything pop. Not to mention they’re super simple and perfect make-aheads (or feel free to use store-bought! You will get NO judgment from me!)
Bringing It All Together
Finally, arrange the cookies in a large box — you don’t need anything fancy. This was a box used to wrap a sweater in, I think! Just put down some pretty tissue paper and a little wax or parchment paper. Then I like to alternate some cookies on their sides and some in stacks. I just love the way it looks to see the sides and the tops — especially those crackled molasses cookies. They just SCREAM Christmas to me and remind me so much of my grandma.
And last, but definitely not least, add a festive touch by using a few small ornaments and some ribbon or twine. Even if you’re just making this for yourself for a Holiday at home, make it special — you deserve it.
A Few More Recipes I Think Would be Great for a Cookie Box
Brown Butter Pecan Chocolate Chunk Cookies
And I can’t post about a cookie box without sharing these two cookie queens! My friend Sam at Frosting and Fettuccine and my friend Becky at Displaced Housewife both have created such beautiful cookie boxes and I’ve linked to their posts below. These really show how no two cookie boxes are alike.
Holiday Cookie Box – Displaced Housewife
How to Create the Ultimate Cookie Box – Frosting and Fettuccine
And If You Want to Ship Those Beautiful Cookie Boxes
Check out my friend Amanda at Midwest Nice Blog and her post on How to Mail Homemade Cookies.
Well, those are my Christmas Cookie Box tips — grab my famous peppermint bark recipe [on my website below.] I would LOVE if you’d share a photo of your cookie boxes with me. Tag me on Instagram @wild.thistle.kitchen so I can see! And make sure to save this to your Christmas Pinterest board!
For full recipe go to https://wildthistlekitchen.com/christmas-cookie-box/.