“In a World Full of Grinches, Be a Griswold”
By December 13, 2021 0 2609
“In a world full of grinches, be a Griswold.”
That’s a recently discovered T-Shirt quote that really resonates as this year draws to a close. Reflecting on The Grinch on Mount Crumpet, angry with the world, versus Clark Griswold of National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, it’s easy to identify with The Grinch. He always has something to complain about and the happy cheer of the Whos disgusts him. On the other hand, Chevy Chase’s Clark Griswold loves all things holiday — he wants the biggest tree possible; a glowing light display you can see from space and a “fun, old-fashioned family Christmas.”
It’s that positive thinking a la Clark Griswold that could really benefit us as we move into 2022. According to The Stillness Project, a movement to bring more peace and tranquility into our lives, optimists tend to be more successful and earn more at their jobs. Optimistic salespeople sold 88 percent more than pessimists. Who would want to buy into something that’s all gloom and doom? People want to work with others who are passionate, determined and hopeful about the future.
We’re all under so much stress, whether you’re a CEO, a sales person, a retiree, a stay-at-home mom or a college student. Going into the new year with more positive thinking doesn’t necessarily mean you have to ignore life’s unpleasantries. It just means you’re approaching the bad stuff in a more positive, dynamic way.
Start this coming year with self-talk — so often it can be negative. Take that self-talk and turn it into positivity — I can do this, I will do this. Easier said than done right? Good thing there are lots of health benefits to positive thinking like an increased lifespan, lower rates of depression and distress, better heart health and coping skills and so much more.
Think about it, even the Grinch ended up giving into the holiday cheer in Whoville. By surrounding himself with positive people, he too realized the joys of the season and is a great example of the fact that people can indeed change their ways of thinking.
So, while you’re having the “hap-hap-happiest Christmas” a la Clark Griswold, try to carry that spirit of kindness, generosity and positivity – the kind even The Grinch came around to — into the new year. Happy 2022!