Santas Came to Town

We started the month off with Mayor Muriel Bowser lighting the Christmas tree on Dec. 1 at Fairmont Hotel’s 18th Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony, and Santa Claus was there. The next day, Dec. 2, at the National Christmas Tree Lighting, President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden were at the Ellipse with Santa among their many guests. On Dec. 3, Santa — aka Tom Strike — was the highlight of Volta Park’s final 2021 farmers market, along with a Christmas tree lighting, near 34th & Q Streets. On Dec. 15, Santa got use of Bill Dean’s Maybach and a Metropolitan Police escort to 26th and O Streets for Rose Park’s final market of the year. December is surely Santa’s busiest month. We trust he and Mrs. Claus will be vacationing on some tropical island in January.

As Santa will say again this year, covid notwithstanding: “Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”

Emerson and Colin Burke at Volta Park with Santa (aka Tom Strike). Courtesy Ashley Burke.


Mayor Muriel Bowser with Santa Claus, Fairmont General Manager Mark Huntley and Steve Chenevey of Fox5 News.


Santa gets a police escort along O Street to Rose Park. Georgetowner photo.


Santa gives gifts to the children at Rose Park. Georgetowner photo.


John Richardson with daughter-in-law Nicole and grandson Jack at Volta Park. Georgetowner photo.


Friends of Rose Park President Gail Daubert with Santa and dog Ziggy. Georgetowner photo.


Lighting the market: Friends of Rose Park President Gail Daubert with Linda Greenan of Pepco and Flippo contract workers. Georgetowner photo.



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