ANC 2E January Report
By January 18, 2022 0 1182
Second District Public Safety Update
MPD Captain Steve Andelman of the second district joined the virtual meeting (held Jan. 6) to give an update on crime in the Georgetown area since his last appearance in early December. Andelman said both property and auto theft are significantly down due to officers actively patrolling and the community heeding law official’s advice on not leaving cars idling and unlocked.
Last week, The Georgetowner reported on a trio of fires started within 30 minutes and a half-mile radius in Georgetown. Andelman reported that a homeless woman responsible for all three fires has been arrested and charged with arson. He also announced the infamous tire slasher who has terrorized parts of Georgetown is in custody. Most of the slashing activity occurred in December in the 1600 block of 31st Street NW and in the 3000 block of N Street NW. A homeless man with behavioral issues was arrested for simple assault and although detectives can’t technically link him to those crimes, MPD believes he’s the same person. Further investigation of video surveillance footage will be undertaken before any charges are made.
Commissioner Lisa Palmer noted to Andelman a large homeless encampment on park property located on K Street NW off Rock Creek. She said large fires are started there and whether they’re controlled is hard to discern. Andelman remarked it’s a safety issue regardless and residents should contact 911.
ANC 2E Quick Hits
Election of ANC 2E Officers: The commission motioned to elect the same slate of officers for another year which will consist of Rick Murphy (2E03) as Chair, Lisa Palmer (2E05) as Vice Chair, Jenny Mitchell (2E02) as Secretary, and Elizabeth Miller (2E07) as Treasurer.
Concerns Regarding DC Reopen Act: Motion passed to communicate concerns of the “Reopen Washington DC Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Amendment Act of 2021” to the city council as not having a reasonable timeframe for residential safeguards. If enacted, an Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration license holder can expand their exterior footprint leaving open the possibility of encroaching too close into residential areas.
ANC Supports Improving Safety at Synagogue: The commission voted unanimously in favor of reiterating support for security bollards around the Kesher Israel Congregation of Georgetown, located at 2801 N Street NW, to the DDOT.

The ANC motioned unanimously in favor of reiterating their support for security bollards around the Kesher Israel Congregation of Georgetown, located at 2801 N Street NW, to the District Department of Transportation. Photo of Kesher Israel Congregation by Robert Devaney.
DC Water Project Creates South Street Dead End: Commissioner Palmer informed the commission and virtual attendees that South Street NW will become a dead end for two months or through the duration of DC Water’s Sewer Separation Project. Although residents will still have access to their homes and schools can operate their normal pick-up route, all parking will be removed.
DPR Updates: Jelleff Recreation Center Project – a letter has been sent by the commission to the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) to see where the project stands. The Ellington Fields project is moving along but the public input period is not yet closed. Concepts have been proposed but a design has not been drafted. The Volta Park Project has $700,000 allotted for drainage and to refurbish the field. Construction is expected to start this summer and conclude next fall.
Commission Protests Tavern License: Representatives of the tavern Church, located at 3295 M Street NW, asked to transfer their Class C license to a property located at 3222 M Street NW in order for food sales to meet the occupancy level. The commission motioned to protest the license until a settlement agreement between the two parties is signed but look forward to having one in place and supporting the establishment.
Spirits and Spice Protest: This new establishment, located at 3237 M Street NW, is tentatively set to open in July. The business carries a unique concept in producing its own spirits as well as oils, vinegars, and spices. The commission motioned to protest the license until a settlement agreement is made but is in strong support of the establishment moving to the neighborhood.
Update on Georgetown Cooks: Commissioner Miller reported that the “Georgetown Cooks” fundraising project was a huge success. In two weeks, 500 copies of the cookbooks were sold and all proceeds were donated to the Lombardi Cancer Center.
Streetscape Improvements Supported: The commission motioned unanimously in support of a Public Space application for streetscape improvements on 3220 Prospect Street NW. The improvements will be made toward a five-story multi-family building. Additional trees and bike racks will be added and sidewalk repair performed. A curb cut will be made and aligned with the lower garage ramp. These improvements also have the approval of the Old Georgetown Board.
Commission Supports BZA Application for Self-Storage Units: A motion was passed to support a self-storage establishment’s Board of Zoning (BZA) application for a waiver to construct a below-grade, self-storage establishment beneath a commercial use building at 3222 M Street NW.