Looking for a Few Good ANC Candidates
By July 5, 2022 One Comment 1668
It’s a fervent time for civic activity in America — and especially in Washington, D.C., and Georgetown. So many national issues are focused here and activists from throughout the country come to make their voices heard. Primary elections were just held for D.C.’s local government elected seats, that are highly visible and powerful since the District does not have voting congressional representatives. Independents and those unaffiliated with political parties can still run for District positions in the Nov. 8 general election. Some seats have no nominees as yet.
Such an open seat is the Georgetown-Burleith-Hillandale Advisory Neighborhood Commission single-member district 2E03, which has been held by Rick Murphy for the past six years. It covers a central area of Georgetown — roughly 31st to 36th Streets and Prospect to Q Streets.
Murphy is also the current ANC2E chairperson. “It’s been a great experience being commissioner,” he said. “I’ve gotten to know and work with a lot of good people on the ANC as well as local organizations and city officials. Best of all, I’ve gotten to know so many good people in my neighborhood. But it’s good for the commission to have rotation of new members.”
Did it take a lot more time that he expected? Murphy was asked.
“Not really”, he said. “I had been involved with the commission as legal counsel and engaged in some projects prior so I had a good idea what was involved.”
So why are there no candidates for the seat to date?
“There is still time,” Murphy said. “I’ve asked a few people but everyone has different schedules and available time. It’s really worth the experience though.”
Murphy didn’t hesitate when asked what he thought the biggest challenge for Georgetown is in the near future.
“Maintaining the viability of our current commercial corridor while keeping the balance with the historic nature of the adjoining residential neighborhoods and landmarks,” he said. “Georgetown is such a special place and the constant challenge is to find ways to distribute funds to keep it that way.”
“But that is also the biggest benefit of being a commissioner,” Murphy said. “Getting engaged with neighborhood issues and the neighbors who care about them.”
The commission (ANC2E) has a monthly public meeting — usually the first Monday of the month — and each of the eight commissioners has a specific area they are on call for, such as crime, schools and the like. Commissioners are not paid but they are given free priority parking license plates. And, of course, commissioners are frequently invited to community and social events.
Those interested should contact ANC2E Executive Director Peter Sacco — 2E@anc.dc.gov.
Thank you so much for your time and dedication to ANC2E. We’re lucky to have you!