Rose Park Market To Open with Piñata
By May 1, 2023 2 1426
The popular open air market at Rose Park will open the season on Wednesday, May 3, at the corner of O and 26th Streets NW with an array of the well-known venders, a few new ones and special activities to honor Cinco de Mayo, including making a home-made piñata at the market itself.
“This will be the first of specially planned fun activities around a theme that will be organized the first Wednesday of every month,” Annabeth Foley, a member of the Friends of Rose Park board of directors, told the Georgetowner. For May, the special focus is on Cinco de Mayo – a regional Mexican (from Pueblo, Mexico) celebration that has become increasingly popular in the United States. “In June, the Rose Park market will acknowledge World Caring Day (with an environmentally healthy Earth focus), in July the market will celebrate America’s birthday and in August the focus will be on ice cream,” Foley said. “We look forward to everyone’s ideas and participation to make these special events.”

Courtesy FORP.
The market has grown over the years, becoming a highly popular social as well as marketing scene during the pandemic shutdown in 2020-2021 that saw crowds of up to 500 residents and their children participating. Various non-profit organizations have added events – such as reading in the park motivational activities – and even access to vaccine shots and tests.
In 2022, commercial electric outlets were installed in convenient places in Rose Park near the market site (and just added pickle-ball court) along the southeast corner of O St. The availability of electricity allowed venders, such as a portable pizza enterprise and bands with loud speakers to be added to the market’s offerings. The FORP have hired a market manager on site to oversee the activities.

Courtesy FORP.
Venders on opening day include 1310 Kitchen & Bar, Anchor Nursery (option to pre-order online), Baking District, From The Heart (three times per month), Chippin (monthly), Fajardo’s Produce, Lobster Maine-ia – with a pre-order option at,Pearl Fine Teas, Quaker Valley Orchards (option to pre-order online), Simple Pleasure Ice (bi-weekly), The Baking District, Blossom Wellness, Bread Furst, Crepe Shoppe, The Pork Stork, B’more Urban Organics, Casey & Company and El Jeffe Pizza (monthly).
“The market is a great way to support local farmers and vendors,” Foley said. “More importantly, the Rose Park Market is a place to grab something for dinner, perhaps listen to some music, or meet with your council member or ANC to discuss issues important to you and our community.”
thank you for the article
What inspired the decision to include a Piñata in the grand opening celebration of Rose Park Market?