Help Fallingwater Live On 

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Sixty years ago, on a serene fall day in 1963, Edgar Kaufmann Jr. entrusted Fallingwater to the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. 

Since that day, our mission has been clear: to care for Fallingwater and share it with the world as a place of beauty, a unique educational resource and a powerful source of inspiration. 

In the early 2000s, people who cared about this architectural masterpiece saved Fallingwater from possibly tumbling into the rushing waters of Bear Run because of failing cantilevers. And, this year, we embarked on an initiative to repair its major building systems: stone walls, flat roofs, flagstone terraces, steel window and door frames, and concrete. Soon, we will begin preservation work on the east terrace — one step in the most comprehensive restoration effort at Fallingwater in 20 years. 

Just as Fallingwater inspires thousands of people every year, we are inspired by the passion, commitment and generosity of people like you, who empower our vigilant care and enable us to continue to share Fallingwater with people from across the world.  

Your support can make a real difference. Fallingwater is part of a private, nonprofit organization, and the revenue from admissions, museum store sales and café purchases cover only day-to-day operational costs. This means the thoughtful generosity of people like you make our critical preservation work possible.  

Be a vital part of our mission. Please donate today to help Fallingwater live on.  








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