Food & Wine
A Firsthand Try at Baking Blue Duck Tavern’s Famous Apple Pie
Weekend Roundup: March 20-23
News & Politics
Iconic Furniture Designer and Maker Thomas Moser Dies at Age 90
Playwright Karen Zacarías: ‘Age of Innocence’ Speaks to Today’s Gilded Age
$1-Billion D.C. Budget Cutback Clawed Back by Bowser
Fall Performing Arts Preview
September 13, 2023
•DANCE Partnering with Dupont Underground, The Washington Ballet will pop down for four pop-up performances (Sept. 28, 29 and 30). TWB’s main fall event, “Such Sweet Thunder: An Evening Inspired […]
Helen Hayes Awards Draws Large Crowds; Night’s Big Winner: GALA Hispanic Theatre
May 25, 2023
•So many awards, so little time. An awards show that deserves its own award? Celebrating what’s best in Washington’s theater arts over the past year, more than 1,600 enthusiastic theater-makers […]
2023 Spring Performing Arts Preview
February 8, 2023
•OPERA The Kennedy Center Opera House curtain will rise next month on Jeanine Tesori and Tazewell Thompson’s “Blue,” about a police officer — a “Black man in blue” — whose […]
Holly Twyford Directs GU Students in ‘Dog Act,’ a Post-Apocalyptic Comedy
November 3, 2022
•Four-time Helen Hayes Award-winner Holly Twyford is directing Georgetown University students in the post-apocalyptic comedy ‘Dog Act,’ by Liz Duffy Adams, with performances running nine days only — today through […]
Weekend Arts Round Up, December 10, 2020
December 10, 2020
•Politics and Prose will host an online talk about the late, legendary Hoyas coach John Thompson’s new autobiography. Also book-related: Planet Word is calling all crossword lovers!
Dr. Ruth Unpacks at Theater J
March 1, 2018
•Always onstage, answering her 1990s-era cell phone, opening and climbing on boxes, breaking into dance, Naomi Jacobson, portraying the 4-foot-7 dynamo, has a lot to do.
Twyford Directs ‘Becoming Dr. Ruth’
February 21, 2018
•Talking with Washington actress Holly Twyford about the play “Becoming Dr. Ruth,” which runs from Feb. 21 to March 18 at Theater J, a lot of zigs and zags start to […]
Weekend Round Up October 12, 2017
October 12, 2017
•This weekend, D.C. residents and visitors can experience France (in an animated film), Sweden (in a musical) and Rhode Island (people-to-people).