Eliza Ruhamah Scidmore’s Passion Behind D.C.’s Cherry Blossoms
News & Politics
Applications Open for Mayor’s, DSLBD Retail Grant Program
News & Politics
March ANC: Billion-Dollar Shortfall, Rush-Hour Parking
Real Estate
Bisnow Hosts a D.C. Area Office Repositioning Summit
Social Scene
BID Bids Farewell to Longtime CEO Joe Sternlieb
Downtowner DC News
February 25, 2019
•A roundup of newsworthy happenings around the District, including a hate-crimes bill, a hit-and-run, slowing population growth and a possible name change for Woodrow Wilson High School.
The Unraveling of Virginia
February 7, 2019
•Ever since Friday, the local media were loudly notifying us every time another shoe dropped. It all began on Friday, the first day of Black History Month, no less.
All About Politics: Virginia Governor’s Race
November 13, 2017
•Virginia voters came out in big numbers on Nov. 7 not to vote for Ralph Northam, a Democrat and the lieutenant governor, but to vote against Donald Trump.
All About Politics: Virginia’s Governor’s Race
October 26, 2017
•The national Democratic Party wants to continue its winning streak in the Commonwealth. The big problem for Virginia Democrats is the composition of the electorate in these off-off-year elections.