Weekly Arts Round Up, March 25, 2021

March 25, 2021

Smithsonian Associates and the National Portrait Gallery will offer full-day programs online this Saturday to close out Women’s History Month.

National Museum of American History Colloquium: Catherine Stewart: “Race and Domestic Service”

February 20, 2021

March 16; 4 pm. Zoom Link: https://smithsonian.zoom.us/j/87307811475?pwd=Y3ppUnZqSkFMRmhMSWhXazM5SXpkQT09 Join curators and historians for a presentation and discussion on historical topics. Audience questions are encouraged and will be addressed in the moderated dialogue.

National Museum of American History Colloquium: Mary Jane Appel, “Russell Lee: A Photographer’s Life and Legacy”

March 9; 4 pm. Zoom Link: https://smithsonian.zoom.us/j/87174916962?pwd=VCtyZkpHdnJkT1ZDTjRzcHk1R01Odz09 Join curators and historians for a presentation and discussion on historical topics. Audience questions are encouraged and will be addressed in the moderated dialogue.

Pandemic Perspectives: How the National Museum of American History is Collecting COVID-19

March 23; 4-5 p.m. Zoom Registration Link: https://smithsonian.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_1CC-6lICQR-mlo4j_X8tTg Join curators and historians for a series of panel discussions offering perspectives on the current pandemic. Panelists will virtually share objects from […]

Innovative Lives: My Inventor Dad

March 10; 4-5:30 p.m. Registration is free but required: https://myinventordad.eventbrite.com Two independent filmmakers discover their own inventiveness while documenting the lives of their inventor fathers. For more information, visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/innovative-lives-my-inventor-dad-tickets-140337456109.

Spotlight on the American Scene: Trailblazing Women Who Have Shaped the Entertainment Industry

March 31; 2 p.m. Free with registration: http://bit.ly/NMAH331 The Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History celebrates Women’s History Month and its forthcoming exhibition Entertainment Nation by convening a conversation with trailblazing women who have […]

Dr. Anthony S. Fauci “Great Americans” Medal Ceremony & Presentation at the National Museum of American History

Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the nation’s leading infectious disease expert, will receive the National Museum of American History’s signature honor, The Great Americans Medal. The medal presentation will be followed […]

Weekly Arts Round Up, December 31, 2020

December 31, 2020

Once January gets underway, you can take in online concerts, poetry readings and presentations on pandemic history, insect adaptations, interior design and Burman textiles.

Weekly Arts Round Up, November 19, 2020

November 19, 2020

Among the art exhibitions open for in-person visits is the first display of works by British artist Tacita Dean at Glenstone in Potomac, Maryland.

Weekly Arts Round Up, October 15, 2020

October 15, 2020

The 2020 Smithsonian Food History Weekend and a panel tomorrow on the legacy of John Lewis will take place online. In person, you can visit the Kreeger Museum and, soon, Planet Word.