Opening Reception: Introspective by Héctor Rafael

September 19, 2024

Sitar Arts Center’s Cafritz Gallery is proud to present “Introspective” by Héctor Rafael. His series consists of graphite drawings and oil paintings which explore themes of mental health and self-identity. […]

Artists at Work Speakers Series

February 22, 2024

Sitar Arts Center’s Artists at Work Speakers Series gives you behind-the-scenes access to DC’s most exciting arts venues through the personal stories of the professionals who make the magic happen. […]

Sitar on the Piazza Enchants at i Ricchi

September 21, 2023

On September 7, guests attended Sitar Arts Center’s “Sitar on the Piazza at i Ricchi” to enjoy delicious bites, live music and a live auction, arts stations (including live painting) […]

Sitar Arts Center’s Create Change Gala at Planet Word 

November 5, 2022

Charles DeSantis and David McDermott co-chaired the Sitar Arts Center 2022 Create Change Benefit Gala & Auction on Oct. 20 at Planet Word on 13th Street NW. The annual event […]

Sitar on the Piazza Enchants at I Ricchi 

September 22, 2022

On a sun-lit Sept. 8 evening, more than 115 supporters of Sitar Arts Center gathered on Ristorante i Ricchi’s patio on 19th Street NW to enjoy delicious i Ricchi delicacies, […]