News & Politics
Tech Tip: Email Encryption Made Easy
Tech Tip: What to Do Before You Go to Starbucks
March 11, 2019
•An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Here’s how to protect your data in advance of loss or theft of your device.
Tech Tip: If You Installed It, You Must Update It
February 25, 2019
•Once a known vulnerability is announced via a patch, hackers get to work like crazy, trying to figure out how to use that vulnerability to gain access to users who are lazy about installing updates.
Tech Tip: Bookmark the Websites You Often Visit
February 18, 2019
•All you have to do is accidentally fat-finger a single letter in the real URL and up pops a very legitimate-looking fake copy of the site you were trying to get to.
Tech Tip: Never Connect to Company Data on a Personal Device
February 11, 2019
•If you are working on a home PC and not diligently updating and monitoring the antivirus software, firewall and security patches on the machine, then there’s a high probability you’re infected with spyware or malware.
Tech Tip: How to Spot a Phishing Email
February 4, 2019
•Designed to look like a legitimate request from a site you trust, these emails are meant to get you to willingly give up your login information — or to download a virus.
Tech Tip: How to Foil ‘Ransomware’
January 28, 2019
•The last CryptoLocker virus forced many business owners to lose data or pay up, since there was no other way to decrypt the files.
Tech Tip: If This Type of Alert Pops Up, Don’t Click!
January 21, 2019
•This is a common scareware tactic used by hackers to get you to click and download a virus. Legitimate companies would never deliver that type of pop-up to you.
Tech Tip: Use Strong Passwords
January 14, 2019
•Hacking software can guess a five-character password in under three hours. If you only use lowercase letters, it’s 11.9 seconds.
Tech Tip: Working from Home? Don’t! Until You Read This …
January 7, 2019
•Unless your personal device is covered under a managed services plan, you could accidentally introduce a virus into your company’s network.
Tech Tip: Is Complying With PCI Requirements Good Enough?
December 24, 2018
•While the PCI architecture and requirements overlap with network security issues, a network security audit will take a deeper look into how you utilize the technology you own.