The Speech and the March: What a Difference

January 26, 2017

If the campaign seemed finally over on Friday, on Saturday a new campaign seemed to have begun.

Out at Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson Sells O St. Home

The first African American partner at Paul, Weiss, Johnson is returning to the New York firm and to his New Jersey home.

Weekend Round Up January 19, 2017

For those not tied up in inaugural balls, this weekend’s unofficial events inspired by the presidential transition will include a “Thanks, Obama! Send-off Party,” an all-female bartender takeover and, at the National Museum of Women in the Arts, a guided tour on the theme of “nasty women.”

Nat Hentoff, 1925-2017

A documentary about the jazz writer and First Amendment advocate is titled “The Pleasures of Being Out of Step.”

Democratic Women Organize to Resist

January 23, 2017

During the inauguration activities on Friday and Saturday, the Woman’s National Democratic Club will be a hangout for women who come to participate in the Woman’s March.

Countdown to Inauguration Day

Lots of useful information for D.C. residents and others is available online [here](, [here]( and elsewhere.

Safety Tips for Inauguration Week

January 19, 2017

Recently issued guidelines for journalists and protesters are also relevant to the general public.

Armed Robberies at Trail Entrance in Georgetown

The descriptions of the robbers and the weapons used in the Jan. 6 and Jan. 11 crimes were similar.

Inauguration Week Festivities

The first of more than two dozen parties, balls and galas takes place tonight…

Weekend Round Up January 12, 2017

January 17, 2017

Friday the 13th kicks off another holiday weekend, to be followed by the parties and protests of inauguration week. On Monday, D.C. will celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day with a peace walk and parade to Anacostia Park and tributes to Dr. King at the National Cathedral and the Kennedy Center.