DogFest in Shepherdstown

September 12, 2013

Shepherdstown, West Virginia, honored its fetching canines with the first annual DogFest on Aug. 17 and 18. Opening day events included a Dog Day 5K race, dog training tips, a hot dog eating contest sponsored by Food Lion and a dog show sponsored by Petco. The furry participants strode the red carpet before a benevolent panel of judges as Roman Holton emceed categories including Cutest Dog, Most Talented Dog, Biggest Heart and Best in Show, won by Hershey, a stunning labradoodle. A paw print logo on shops and restaurants welcomed attendees with dog-themed merchandise and menu items. Bistro 112 offered hush puppies and French Poodle martinis.
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The Kennedy Center’s Change Agent, Michael Kaiser

For Michael Kaiser, this is a time of change.

He is in the home stretch of his long—and very successful—tenure as president of the Kennedy Center, a job he’s held since January 2001. His tenure has seen major changes and growth for what is, basically, the nation’s cultural center.

In an interview with the Georgetowner in his office, Kaiser, while in the midst of a per-usual hectic schedule of meetings and travel, waxed a little reflective about his work and about the future—along with his and the center’s and cultural institutions in general. It is a subject about which he has written often, spoken constantly in all 50 states and all over the world. There’s a legacy feeling to the conversation, sitting at a long table with Kaiser. (His latest book on the subject of arts management has just been released, “The Cycle,” written with Brett E. Egan.)

“It’s an odd feeling, sure,” Kaiser said. “I know that this will, in effect, be my last full season as president here, and I know that’s final. But I’ve been thinking about this for a long time in any case. I actually meant to do it sooner, but when we worked out this affiliation with the Washington National Opera in 2011, I felt I had to stay on to see the process through, and it’s been a gratifying thing to do. Once that was done, I knew I would not continue. This is, by far, the longest I’ve ever held a single job. So, In my mind, I think it was the right time. There is always room and a need for fresh thought, fresh vision, even different tastes.”

“I do feel at times a certain sadness,” he added. “I’ve been very lucky to work with tremendously hard-working, gifted colleagues and board members.” Kaiser has also been blessed with the presence of Kennedy Center Chairman of the Board David Rubenstein, a very active, philanthropic-minded, hands-on and generous chair.

It’s not like Kaiser is leaving next week—his contract is not up until December 2014—and it’s not like he’s doing a disappearing act. He remains at the center as head of his own creation, the Kennedy Center Arts Management Institute, now called the DeVos Institute of Arts Management. It’s named after Dick and Betsy DeVos, who made a $22.5-million commitment to the institute, which provides advanced training for arts administrators and has advised individuals, organizations, foundations and governments.

Kaiser has been more than keen on the subject of how to run cultural organizations of all sizes, from the big (the Kennedy Center) to the small theater, still looking for a home. He has travelled, written books and held classes and symposiums on the subject. “There is a climate for the past few years now, ever since the [economic] crash that the arts are in a state of financial crisis,” he said. “To a real extent, that’s been true, but the answer from many groups has been to cut spending, to institute layoffs, to produce unadventurous, safe works. I think that approach is suicidal. I think you need to take care of your audiences, to put butts in the seats, as you always hear, and that’s certainly true, but you can’t abandon innovation, you haves to pursue it, to embrace it. You have to be smart in your choices. You don’t weaken your institution with short-term solutions.”
You wonder, of course, where he finds the time, not just to think, but to be a kind of John the Baptist for smart arts management and to be able to practice it at the same time.

“I don’t have very many days off,” Kaiser said. “I love the work, it’s who I am.” The suspicion exists that he doesn’t like to take days off.

Kaiser came to the Kennedy Center with a reputation as a turn-around artist, a game changer, having done just that when working with the Alvin Ailey Dance American Dance Theatre, the American Ballet Theatre and the Royal Opera House in London. He served as executive director for all three institutions.

“The Kennedy Center, when I came here, wasn’t in trouble.” he said. “But, in some quarters, it was considered to be somewhat staid and predictable in its programming. That it was not very exciting.”

That’s one thing that changed with Kaiser over the years, almost right at the start. “In terms of theater, it seemed mostly centered around road shows,” he said. “Creating productions from the ground up at the Kennedy Center—that’s what I wanted to do.”

And he did, right off the bat, with “The Sondheim Celebration,” a series of top-drawer productions of Stephen Sondheim musicals from “Company” and “Passion” to “A Little Night Music” and “Sweeney Todd,” orchestral programs, discussions and a marketing campaign that gained national attention, making the festival both a huge success and a harbinger of things to come.

“I had wanted to do something like that for a very long time, and I was prepared to go,” he said. The festival was the first of many festivals: ten plays by August Wilson, fully produced or with readings in chronological order, the Tennessee Williams Festival, which included a critically acclaimed “The Glass Menagerie” and a Michael Kahn-directed program of short plays.
There was also the phenomenal nearly half a year Shakespeare Festival, in numerous venues throughout the city co-directed with Kahn, the artistic director of the Shakespeare Theatre Company, a festival that was kicked off with an electric-staged and free reading of “Twelfth Night,” which filled the Kennedy Center’s Concert Hall.

That was a vivid illustration of the Kaiser belief that the Kennedy Center must be not only the nation’s cultural center but a vital, participating member of the Washington cultural and arts community. “We must be a part of the community and bring the community here, make it accessible, engage the community and become engaged with it,” he said.
Under Kaiser, the Kennedy Center has expanded its education programs and outreach. It has mounted the annual Page-to-Stage Festival, which includes many of the area’s theater companies, while the Woolly Mammoth Theater, Synetic Theater and the Washington Ballet have performed at various times on the center’s stages.

Kaiser has also expanded the center’s ground-up theatrical productions, offering ground-up, expensive re-imaginings and re-stagings of “Ragtime” and Stephen Sondheim’s “Follies,” both of them going to Broadway.

“Follies” was another illustration of using local artists—some of the actors cast were local, and Eric Schaeffer, the artistic director and founder of Signature Theatre in Arlington, directed the production and also was a artist participant in the Sondheim Festival. It was a singular act of original work and collaboration.

Kaiser sounded particularly proud of the two productions as well as the initially puzzling decision to stage “The Guardsman,” a somewhat obscure vehicle from the past, which turned out to be a dazzling production and play about theater and theater people this past season.

“Not everything works, but I’m sure that was a head-scratcher for some people,” he said. “But I had a feeling about that, and sometimes you take risks.”

Kaiser, it’s safe to say, with his books, his demeanor of competence and enthusiasm and confidence, isn’t always thought of as a risk-taker, but sometimes, you suspect there lurks a little bit of a cultural rebel behind the façade. “I believe in innovation,” he said. “I believe in supporting new plays, new choreographers, new music. “

He also knows how to be a magical, highly effective fundraiser: “You have to see your institution—this institution—as a family, which means board members, funding, givers, donors, the audience, and artists, and everyone must be encouraged to be an active member of that family—not just on the sidelines, or consumer, or in the seats, but in all the different ways families function.”

To Kaiser, that family is a big one. His biggest innovation at the Kennedy Center in terms of programming may be the grand festivals of international cultures he’s initiated and put together, often on a scale that might have been difficult to imagine. “I’m proud of that certainly because it exposes us, engages us with other cultures, and other institutions struggling to produce and create outstanding work. For me, it was especially exciting to go to Africa, or the Middle East, see dance companies and artists and managers and share with them.”

The result has been festivals which brought with them companies, individuals, artists, dancers, actors, singers, operas, and art forms rarely, if ever, seen here before from China, India, the recent “Nordic Cool,” Africa, Japan and perhaps, most significantly, the 22 countries of the Arab World. It’s hard to measure, of course, how the individual components of each festival were received or attended. Overall, each brought something new to this most international of cities in America.
If there is a theme to be garnered from Kaiser when it comes to cultural institutions, it may be three words: local, national and global—and the connections those three words imply.

In person, Kaiser almost always seems affable, but it’s the kind of affability that is also dead serious about the arts, about his work and legacy. He hasn’t escaped criticism or controversy, but he’s also been a risk-taker and a futurist, looking ahead—because life is change and Kaiser wants to be ahead of the curve while leaving behind a legacy that is sturdy, solid and memorable.

Change comes to us all, and so Kaiser embarks on his last full season. In the meantime, he’s taking another major, life-changing step Aug. 31 when he marries John Roberts, an economist with the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission in the upstairs atrium at the Kennedy Center. [gallery ids="118822,118820" nav="thumbs"]

Kaiser Says, ‘I Do’

Michael Kaiser (left), president of the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, married economist John Roberts Aug. 31 at the Kennedy Center in a ceremony officiated by Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The first Supreme Court justice to preside over a same-sex wedding, Ginsburg is a friend of Kaiser, of the Kennedy Center and of the Washington National Opera. Ginsburg called Kaiser “a friend and someone I much admire” in a statement to the media. “That is why I am officiating at his wedding.”

Signature’s ‘Spin’: a Fresh Musical of Family, Fame and Fortune

September 9, 2013

Signature Theatre’s new musical, “Spin,” invites us to reflect on the challenges of personal growth, all the while laughing about the unexpected twists of family, fame and fortune. A seemingly lighthearted performance about washed-up, wanna-be pop star Evan Peterson, played by James Gardiner, “Spin” offers a web of ambition, relationships and love that reveals a engaging and introspective look into a modern American family.

“Spin,” written by Brian Hill with lyrics and music by Neil Bartram, is based on the 2008 South Korean film “Speedy Scandal.” It depicts Peterson’s development from a boy-band wonder to a reality television host to a father – and grandfather. Peterson’s life of serial one-night stands and take-out gets spun upside down when his daughter Makalo, played by Carolyn Cole, and Jesse, played by Holden Brown, knock on his door. Because neither his ego nor his suede couches are prepared for the responsibilities of father- and grandfather-hood, he understandably goes a little haywire.

After spending more time with them, he begins to see his own musicality reflected in them. Despite his initial unhappiness, Makalo and Jesse sneak their way deeper into his life until he ultimately chooses, after a series of distressing circumstances, them over personal fame.

Also, the unfolding stories of Evan’s romance with Jesse’s teacher Allison, played by Erin Driscoll, and workplace competition with his coworker Richard, played by Bobby Smith, add intrigue, helping the audience understand – and root for – Peterson.

The familiar plot of a man balancing work and family could have made the show fall flat, but the musical’s production makes it, instead, quite a lively performance. With an expressive chorus, jazzy tap dance routine, and dynamic set, the show never loses the audience’s attention.

“Spin” is the first work ever created in Signature Theatre’s new “siglab.” Siglab describes itself as “a special laboratory series that gives writers the opportunity to rehearse their shows for four weeks with professional actors and designers – focusing on structure, storytelling, music and script – and to see their work come to life as fully-staged productions.” Given its unique mission, it allowed writer Brian Hill, lyricist Neil Bartram and director Eric Schaeffer to experiment and perfect the show before its debut.

Furthermore, because “Spin” stems from the South Korean film, “Speedy Scandal,” siglab allowed the production team the time and resources to Americanize the performance. Interestingly enough, “Spin” will be translated into Korean and brought to Seoul, South Korea, after it leaves Arlington’s Signature Theatre.

The audience reaps the benefits of siglab and its resources, enjoying dynamic staging, a modern script and artfully integrated technology. For example, since the script was continually revised during rehearsal, the show’s pop culture references to scandals, such as Paula Deen’s recent one, feel immediately relevant. The production uses big-screen televisions to flash funny photos and quips, engaging the audience throughout the performance.

A family-friendly, thoughtful performance, “Spin” has all the ingredients to make you rhythmically tap your foot, anxiously scoot to the edge of your seat and pensively stroke your beard. Looks like its time to add this musical to your calendar.

“Spin,” with a time of two hours and 20 minutes, runs through July 27 at Signature Theatre, 4200 Campbell Ave., Arlington, Va. — 703-820-9771 —

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National Archives Host Shirley Jones

The National Archives William McGowan Theater was the setting, and iconic movie and television star Shirley Jones sat on the stage, being interviewed by Washington Post film critic Ann Hornaday.

It was a kind of two-for-one occasion, maybe even a three-for-one, in the sense that Jones, now 79 and looking good, was here for a book signing of “Shirley Jones: A Memoir”, which is, well, a memoir, but also appeared as part of the Archives’ ongoing and expansive exploration of an exhibition ”Searching for the Seventies: The DocuAmerica Photography Project”.

So here was Jones, a big star of post-Golden-Age Hollywood with early big-time starring roles as Laurey in “Oklahoma” and Julie Jordan in “Carousel”, two big-big screen versions of the Rodgers and Hammerstein musicals in the 1950s. Those roles and a turn as Marian the librarian in the movie version of “The Music Man”, made Jones an iconic embodiment of cinematic wholesomeness that might have made even the reigning virgin queen of the times Doris Day jealous.

Not to worry: Jones gave up the title with a juicy role of prostitute Lulu Bains in the film version of the Nobel Prize winning American novelist Sinclair Lewis’ 1920s portrait of a tent-show preacher huckster “Elmer Gantry”, with Burt Lancaster in the title role.

The musicals and “Gantry” figure were strongly in the talk at the Archives, as well as stories about her even more iconic role as Shirley Renfrew Partridge in the hugely popular 1970s television series “The Partridge Family”, which featured her step-son David Cassidy and a young actress named Susan Dey. Cassidy, as some of us all know and remember, went on to become the Justin Bieber of his day, achieving the kind of rock star fame that in the end he didn’t handle well, or never recovered from.

The book itself—which was referenced often—has been a fodder of celebrity headlines for its tales of sexual escapades and awakening of Jones—a nice young small town girl from Smithson, near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania whom was fortunate to be blessed with a marvelous voice and good looks. As a young girl she married a guy named Jack Cassidy—the “love of my life”—and was transformed. The details of that transformation—most of it about the eccentric, unfaithful, charismatic and sexually voracious Cassidy whom she describes as her “Svengali”—while making it to the airwaves (“Access Hollywood”) and the blogosphere, do not get into the conversation here. It was, after all, the National Archives, and there were tourists, families and children in the audience.

Which is just as well, because Jones’ life and career and her candor about her life make for a terrific American success story as is.
“I was an only child, and I was willful,” she acknowledged. She looked vibrant and down to earth, no-nonsense. She and Cassidy, who would die in a tragic fire, would divorce, but she’s now married to standup comedian Marty Ingels whom she describes as “the love of my life now.”
“Marty loves going to red carpet events and having me by his side,” she said. “Once, when I couldn’t go to one of those things, he took a cardboard cutout of me to the red carpet.

“I married two crazy men,” she said. “What does that say about me?”

What you can really say about Shirley Jones is that she’s brave, funny, resilient, and gifted, with an appetite for life. Which is not a bad legacy.

She had been invited to New York to perhaps audition for a show, although she had no idea who she was auditioning for. “I had never heard of Rodgers and Hammerstein, I didn’t know who these men were. But apparently they liked what they heard.”

She was young, inexperienced, but managed to snag roles in “South Pacific”, “Me and Juliet” and “Oklahoma.”

It was the same when it came to films. “I was asked to audition for the film version,” she said. “I had never made a movie in my life.”

“Director Fred Zinneman wanted me for the part. He was a brilliant director, an actor’s director, he was incredibly patient and helpful,” she said. She was Laurie to Gordon MacRae’s Curly and they also co-starred in “Carousel” as Julie and Billy Bigelow. “That was as my favorite all time musical, period.”

She confided that Frank Sinatra had been originally cast in the role of Billy Bigelow. “They’d already shot some scenes, and the movie was being done in two versions, in regular Cinemascope and a bigger version of the same process. That meant that they’d do two takes. When Frank Sinatra found out, he said, ‘I don’t do two takes’ and walked off the set. That’s one take Frank for you. Gordon, by contrast was easy going, he’d do a scene or the recording, and off he’d go to play golf. That’s what he really wanted to do in life.”

Her reputation established, Jones knew she wanted to act, not just be typecasted. “I got a call from Burt [Lancaster] and he asked me to read the book “Elmer Gantry”,” she said. “Read the book. I want you in the movie.”

“So I read it,” and I called him. “I want you for the part of the prostitute, he told me. I said ‘what!’ ‘It’s perfect for you. You watch. But the director, Richard Brooks, didn’t really want me. And he didn’t direct me. Burt insisted. Brooks saw the rushes from the first scene. He said ‘I want to apologize to you. You’re going to win an Oscar for this.”

And she did. She won best supporting actress, beating out Janet Leigh in “Psycho,” no less, and Lancaster got a best actor nod.
You get the idea she could talk about her old Hollywood compatriots for hours. She does a better than decent Jimmy Stewart imitation and sings praises of the under-rated actor and star Richard Widmark. She worked with both in a John Ford western “Two Rode Together.”

Fame and stardom of a different sort came with “The Partridge Family”. The show vied with “The Brady Bunch”, another iconic 1970s show of a similar stripe minus the rock band element, for public glory. “They told me not to do it, that I’d be associated with the role forever, that it would be hard to go back to what you were,” she said. “And they were right.”

“It was funny,” she said. “David (Cassidy) and I were cast separately and he didn’t know I was in the show,” she said. “So here we were and he looked at me and said ‘What are YOU doing here’ and I said, “I’m in the show. I’m your momma.”

Over the years she’s been in almost countless television shows. She toured with Cassidy in musical productions. She is unsinkable, indefatigable, and in some ways still the girl from Smithson, the kind of town were people tend to straight-talk.

Whether it is Marian the Librarian, Shirley Renfrew Partridge, Julie Jordan or Shirley Jones, she remains, memoirs and all, an American original.
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Scena Theatre Revives “Salome” for an American Audience

Where does the time go.

Scena Theatre, under its artistic director and founder Robert McNamara, is winding up for its 25th season, now ensconced in its current digs at the Atlas Performing Arts Center on the H Street NE corridor with a production of Oscar Wilde’s eccentric, stylized and scandalizing version of “Salome.”

Looking at this production, which McNamara directed, populated with what seems like a patchwork map of local theater history, you can be excused, if you were around at the beginning of this quarter-century stretch, that very little has changed. McNamara and Scena Thaetre are still the masters of the rarely-if-ever seen, the theatrical road not taken, the Vasco de Gamas of theatrical exploration.

Things don’t always go just right at the often vagabond Scena family, but we can thank McNamara and company for bringing us works rarely performed otherwise in Washington over the years. He gives us Greek tragedies, contemporary Easter European plays, rising young Irish actors, and a borderline obsessive string of Samuel Beckett works (thank you so much). There are also the lesser known entities for Us audiences, such as the recurring presence of Stephen Berkoff’s plays, a powerful presentation of “The Persians” in the Tivoli Theater complete with actual thunder, the audacious “Mein Kampf” by George Tabori about a young Adolf Hitler, and even a recreation of Orson Welles’ radio play “The War of the Worlds” (at the DCAC).

The 25th anniversary season seemed—except for “Salome”—almost typical: a production of Anthony Burgess’ “A Clockwork Orange”, a Berkoff adaptation of Franz Kafka’s “Metamorhosis,” and “Shining City” by one of the current top dog lads of Irish writing, Conor McPherson.

“Salome” is different for Scena in the sense that Wilde’s work—his popular comedies—is not a staple of the Scena iconography. But then “Salome” is very wild Wilde—if it’s anything, it’s in cahoots with the Strauss opera, it has the sulfurous odor of scandal and sweet, and the sexual extravagance that trails Wilde’s latter-day downfall like a cacophonous, witchy lament.

What McNamara has done with it results in an evocation of another time and place, and a sort of mash of theatrical styles. It’s biblical with the presence of the man in the pit—the bleary-eyed imprisoned prophet Iokanaan (John the Baptist) and the overheated story of Herod, who lusts after his daughter Salome with tragic results. The play made its murky, painful debut in 1893—written in French no less and promptly censored by the Victorians, for whom the charming Irishman Wilde was both an affront and a chief wit, while ultimately and finally a debauched victim.

But McNamara, instead of looking too far back, evokes the Roaring Twenties of Gatsby and America, as courtiers dressed in tuxedos and clingy gowns make metaphorical, almost sing-song comments coming from faces painted white, appearing like mimes who memorized speaking.

There are courtiers, Romans, and a young Syrian, who is infatuated with the languidly draped Salome, played with an overpowering petulance by Irina Koval, who often performs with the stylized (and mosty silent) Synetic Theater Company. At the center front it all is the prophet, prophesying with a passion that has its own ardor, elevating death and rejecting the flesh offered with insistence by Salome, who has her own, simpler obsession. “I would kiss your lips, and I will,” she insists to the prophet, who shuns her.

In walks Herod and his wife Herodias, his eyes ablaze with want and desire, his manner seemingly casual, his ardor for himself and his desires always to the fore. He wants Salome. “You look at her too much,” Herodias says, often and with contempt. But want is want. He says “Dance,” and finally she gives in, but with a price: “I want the head of Iokanaan,” she says.

Herod fears the prophet, fears his death so much so that in a remarkable speech, really an inventory of his heart’s desires fulfilled, he tells her everything he would give her, except that damned head. Brian Hemmingson, a heavy man, turns that speech into a spillage, a kind of aria of imagined desires—“I have a hundred, rare pheasants, the last of them I’ll give them to you.”

Hemmingsen has a history not only with Scena, but the late Horizons Theater, the Washington Shakespeare Theatre, and has graced Washington stages for decades, often with his talented wife Nanna Ingvarsson. He is a deceptively gifted actor who can startle with the power of his voice and the variety of his movement. This is (no pun) a crowning achievement of a mad, supremely avaricious, reckless king.

Hemmingsen, the tart-voice Rena Cherry Brown as his wife, Koval and the remarkable Joseph Carlson as the prophet, dominate the stage when they need to. But there’s also time to appreciate the chorus and Tony Strowd as the young Syrian smitten with Herod, making his use of the word “princess” sing.

In the end, “Salome” is Scena’s 25th Anniversary gift to Washington theatre.

“Salome” is performed at the Atlas Performing Arts Center at 1333 H Street NE through August 18
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Josh Groban Sells Out Aug. 16 Wolf Trap Show

Fresh off his newest album, “All That Echoes,” which debuted at number one on the Billboard charts, Josh Groban has been selling out shows all over the country, from three sold-out nights at the Hollywood Bowl to a special show with the Colorado Symphony at Red Rocks. His August 16 show at the Filene Center at Wolf Trap will be no exception; it is sold out.

Known for smooth tenor sound in his 2005 Grammy nominated single, “You Raise Me Up,” Groban released his sixth studio album, “All That Echoes,” in February.

Recently, PBS has begun re-broadcasting Groban’s television special “Josh Groban: All That Echoes,” the taping of his live concert at Lincoln Center in February.

Be on the lookout for tickets to Groban’s show through alternate ticket outlets.

Olney’s ‘Chorus Line’: ’70s Musical As Fresh As Today

The “A Chorus Line” production now at the Olney Theatre Center in Maryland—already extended through Sept. 8—isn’t perfect by any means, nor would you expect it to be, nor, in the end, should it be.

The little glitches—miking, mostly—here and there, a voice off track here, a note not quite reached—all the things that probably won’t repeat themselves next time or further down the line, end up being an almost natural (and poignant) part of this production of a classic show about a group of dance gypsies, vying for a spot on the chorus line of a musical eventually bound for Broadway.

That was the basic material for genius producer-director Michael Bennett’s 1975 record-breaking, Tony-award winning and legendary music which remains more than 35 years later a one-of-a-kind achievement, a gift, really to the lore and legend of Broadway and to audiences, both then, and now. We saw a matinee production which was worth the trip to Olney, among an audience of older folks, dotted with more than a few walkers and wheelchairs, full of people who would be in fact be the current age of most of the performers in the original show.

“A Chorus Line,” then and now, is a stretch in the sense that it runs a little over two hours with no intermission. It’s worth the stretch and the effort, because of Stephen Nachamie’s relentlessly faithful and push-ahead direction, because of the cast, because of the ghost of Bennett, Marvin Hamlich’s music and a tart and touching book by James Kirkwood and Nicholas Dante.

It’s worth it because, in a spotlight here, a moment there, in a spark when the cast in full glitter and voice take over stage, minds and heart is a kind of audience blessing.

The musical-play may seem and feel dated—there are references for instance to the Ed Sullivan Show and the Ted Mack Amateur Hour, and the wannabe dancers give their ages, which puts them in the specific yesterday and yesteryear time. But up close on a mid-week afternoon, they are as fresh as now as are the songs. It’s a fresh and real energy being brought to the show here far from an audition stage, far from show biz and Broadway and bright lights and big city.

Twenty-two melting pot aspirants arrive to vie to be in the chorus line under the sharp, authoritarian and prying voice of a director named Zach (played with straightforward honesty by Carl Randolph), and they know that the end result will be a four-and-four, that only eight of them can make the show. What was revolutionary about the show—it was based on taped interviews with actual dancers—is that it focused on this almost side-show aspect of theatrical show business with pungent language, honest and authentic stories and affecting outcomes, and blessed the characters with moments to strut their stuff in the spotlight and come together in spectacular fashion.

It’s a piece of Americana up there: gay dancers still suffering then, but not so much now, tall and short dancers, busty dancers—the subject comes up in the daffy, the tarty “Dance Ten: Looks: Three“ — lovelorn girls, unhappy boys, but all of them dedicated up to their eyeball to what they do.

Some of the songs have acquired legend status—“What I Did for Love” for instance, and the invitation to dance, “One”, done not once but twice, the last as a kind a kind of wonderful tribute—the hats, the gloss, the gold the glitter, the unison—to the boys and girls of the chorus line.

Even a chorus line isn’t equal, not even in a show about the chorus line—in this cast there are great dancers, great singers and great groups; some are better singers than dancers and vice versa. But Michelle Arvena, petite, dark-haired, restless and eager, who had to take over the lead role of Cassie close to the show’s opening, is the complete package. In her “The Music and the Mirror” number, she demonstrates a range, tactile, go-anywhere voice that matches her dancing moves, a complete set of gifts with the extra add-on of fine acting.

This is a one-of-a-kind show because it has room in the middle of proceedings to hear the heart-breaking, moving story of Paul as a monologue, a tale of struggling and identity that Bryan Knowlton tells haltingly, softly, in a quiet voice that packs tremendous power.

Other standouts include a wonderful tap number: “The Tap Combination,” Kyle Schliefer’s sprite sing and dance “I Can do That” and Colleen Hayes’s dead-on rendition of Sheila, a curvy, knowing blonde with attitude, it’s a smart, funny and touching performance.

This is a heart-felt, enthusiastically staged production, and a reminder of just how gifted the late Bennett was, and a deserved moment of glory for all the boys and girls of the chorus line, which—like newspapers—are rapidly disappearing.

Later, nevertheless, the numbers remain in your head: Five-six-seven eight . . . the call to act for the dancers on the line.

Donna McKechnie Performs ‘Same Place, Another Time’ at Olney Theatre Center

The title and the occasion has déjà vu written all over it.

Here’s Donna McKechnie, a Tony Award winner for playing the star-making role of Cassie in the original Broadway production of Michael Bennett’s “A Chorus Line.” She performs in her one-woman cabaret piece “Same Place, Another Time”, at 7 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 1 on the historic stage of the Olney Theatre Center in Olney, Md.

Not coincidentally, the Olney Theatre Center’s production of “A Chorus Line” (extended through Sept. 8) was also playing at the center. Same place, another time, indeed.

McKechnie never performed the role of Cassie in the Washington area, but she was at the Kennedy Center for a production of “State Fair” in 1996 and at the National Theatre starring in the dramatic opening of a Broadway bound revival of Bob Fosse’s “Sweet Charity” in 1987.

She had come in with “Same Place, Another Time” from San Francisco, bringing with her ménage of songs, and personal story telling. It was her way of resurrecting the 1970s, when her star shone brightest. For, indeed, “A Chorus Line” was a “singular sensation,” as was she. This was New York, disco, the Hustle, and Broadway was still some leftover part of its own self. It was where you wanted to end up as a dancer, a star, and your name in lights.

Jim Croce’s music is here, a disco version of “Where or When”, a quintessential New York song, and songs from Broadway shows of the time. Which was quite a time.

“It’s an affectionate tribute to that time, the people I worked with—especially someone like Marvin Hamlisch, whom I really miss, because we both started out way back when in “How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying,” McKenhnie said. Hamlisch, who was the NSO Symphony Pops Director, passed away last year.

When she was in town for “State Fair” in 1996, playing a glamour queen performer plying her art at state fairs, she remembered exactly what happened. Cassie won her a Tony, got her on the cover of Newsweek, and made her a star. She also ended up marrying Michael Bennett in a whirlwind of change and the bright kiss of fame.

“When I came to New York I wanted to be a ballet dancer,” she said. “I kind of scoffed at musicals until I learned better, that there was this rich history and tradition of music, drama, theater and dancing. It took me a while but then “Chorus Line” came along and it changed everything.”

“That was my life on that stage,” McKechnie said. “That was a unique musical. There had never been anything like it.”

Back then, she admired and wanted to be like the dancing divas Chita Rivera and Gwen Verdon. “That’s what you did, you admired them and picked up elements of them, and create your own style, and I was there, right there, and when it finally happened, it was over.”

More or less, Broadway, in the thrall of other genres that had little room for chorus lines or dancers, had stopped doing shows like that.

Irving Berlin will be heard, and stories, and “Time in a Bottle”. “God, I love that song,” McKechnie said.

“Same Place, Another Time” was also performed in 54 Below, a New York Club now in the basement of the building that used to be Studio 54. Talk about the ‘70s.

McKechnie has kept busy with concert work, singing in clubs, choreographing and writing, working in another time. With the proximity of “A Chorus Line” on stage as she preps for her performance Sunday, you can’t help but think of different places.

We both remembered the night of Sept. 23, 1987. “Sweet Charity” was a revival of one of Fosse’s inimically stylized, brash, brassy hits with his signature style. McKechnie was the star as a kind of dime a dance girl. A Broadway wannabe singing and dancing in high style biting songs like “Big Spender”, “If My Friends Could See Me Now. “He spent a lot of time rehearsing us, working with us, we worked like the devil leading up to that night,” she remembered.

Outside, Fosse, the creator of “Chicago” and “Dancin’”, and film director of “Cabaret” and the astounding “All That Jazz”, was on his way to the National Theatre with his ex-wife Gwen Verdon when he collapsed on the sidewalk on Pennsylvania Avenue and died of a heart attack at George Washington University Hospital.

“None of us knew,” she said. “You know, nobody would tell us. It was opening night. Afterwards, I saw people looking upset, and someone came up to me and said ‘Sit Down’. I thought maybe the Broadway opening had been cancelled. I didn’t know. Everybody, me and everybody in the show was just stunned.”

It recalled the Broadway opening of “42nd Street” when producer David Merrick had kept the news of the death of director Gower Champion, who had died of cancer that morning, from the cast and everyone else until the show was over.

Broadway stories and lives, one and all, including the story of the 1970s, the singular sensations of the decade. Another time, different place.

Summer Trip: a Venetian Masked Ball in Newport, R.I.

August 21, 2013

Edward Julius Berwind would have been beaming on the evening of Aug. 3, when almost 600 guests enjoyed a Summer Venetian Masked Ball in Newport, R.I., at what was once his summer residence, the Elms. The Philadelphia coal magnate built the $1.4-million mansion on Bellevue Avenue in 1901, envisioning it as a social hub for summer society. The Rococo-inspired “cottage” brilliantly fulfilled this mission during Newport’s gilded age as well as for the recent gala, hosted by the Newport Preservation Society.

“It was one of the loveliest parties the Preservation Society has ever given,” said Monty Burnham, a board member and treasurer of the non-profit.  “It was a perfect evening—the music was glorious, the masks fabulous, and the décor was especially good.”

Monty and her husband Richard Burnham of Cleveland Park were just some of the Washingtonians on hand to celebrate the evening, an occasion that heralded the return of six 18th-century Venetian paintings to the estate. Other Washington notables who attended included board member Sarah Gewirz and her husband Bernard S. Gewirz  of Chevy Chase, Md, Ruth H. Buchanan of Washington D.C., Edith Brewster and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., with his wife Sandra.

The setting for the gala was, in a word, magnificent, with distractions at every turn. Actors painted from head to toe in silver and gold danced silently, anchored to the pedestals from which they pivoted. Stately candelabra held flickering candles that lit the night as the sun set. Guests, bedecked and bejeweled, peeked out from behind elaborate masks, feathers and sparkles complementing elaborate ball gowns. Servers offered tempting hors d’oeuvres of tuna tartare and lobster salad.

Venetian paintings, however, were the draw. Two large canvases by Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini (1675-1741) greeted guests in front entryway, depicting two scenes from the life of Scipio Africanus, the ancient Roman general who defeated Hannibal. Sebastiano Ricci and Antonio Molinari continued the narrative on canvases displayed in the dining room. The works—ten in all and the largest series of Venetian paintings in the United States—were originally commissioned in 1701 by the powerful Bernardo Corner, also a general and, additionally, a member of the Venetian ruling council of ten. Claiming kinship with Africanus, Corner sought to visually associate his family’s deeds, also depicted, with the legendary Roman’s.

Designer Jules Allard of Paris acquired the paintings from the Ca’ Corner in Venice at the turn of the last century specifically for the Berwind summer house. When Edward’s sister Julia Berwind died in 1961, a developer bought the property, and its contents—including six of the ten paintings—went on the auction block. (The developer intended to build a shopping mall, but the Preservation Society thwarted his plans.)

‘‘It rarely happens, the reuniting of art on this scale,” said John Tschirch, director of museum affairs at the Preservation Society of Newport County, which bought the last of the ten paintings in 2012.

“The return of the last of the missing paintings to the dining room makes the Elms a ‘don’t-miss’ experience in Newport this year,” echoed Trudy Coxe, CEO and executive director. Proceeds from the Aug. 3 event will help endow a fund for fellows to research the art and architecture that the Preservation Society oversees, which include eleven properties dating from the Colonial period to the Gilded Age, and help convert what is now the carriage house at the Elms into a scholars’ center. [gallery ids="101426,154670,154672" nav="thumbs"]