Hip Foxtrot Leads New Business Openings

March 1, 2021

The first-of-its-kind corner store/café/delivery retail market made its East Coast debut on March 1 at the corner of N Street and Wisconsin Avenue in Georgetown.

Cautious Reopening Continues at Hyde-Addison and Hardy

February 15, 2021

As of last week, there were 70 students participating in in-person learning at Hyde-Addison Elementary School and 135 at Hardy Middle School, according to DCPS.

Kristi Whitfield: Helping D.C. Businesses Find ‘Every Opportunity to Rise’

Director of the Department of Small and Local Business Development, Whitfield has dedicated herself to supporting D.C.’s small business owners and diverse neighborhoods.

Clarity: Culinary Tourism

February 12, 2021

Dynamic chef-restaurateur Jonathan Krinn’s spacious, COVID-savvy, Clarity restaurant, located at 442 Maple Ave. East in Vienna, Virginia, serves classically based, modern fare. Choices range from 48-hour sous vide short ribs […]

Georgetown Couples: Funny Valentines, Lifelong Loves

February 11, 2021

It’s been a rough year for everyone, but these three couples have managed to see it through with grace, strength and a little humor.

Mayor Bowser, ‘Just’ Being a Mom

February 8, 2021

The mayor’s daughter Miranda, who recently attended a friend’s birthday party with her mom, is two years old — and every parent knows what that means.

Happy Days Are Here Again … in the Next Georgetowner

February 4, 2021

The Georgetowner’s next print issue, appearing Feb. 10, will celebrate the new administration, as well as Black History Month and Valentine’s Day.

BID Proposes 5,000 Feet of Streatery Decking

February 1, 2021

The pilot project will come under review of the Old Georgetown Board, as well as the District Department of Transportation’s public space committee, on Feb. 4.   

ANC Monday: Speed Limit, Farmers Market, Gateway Project

On tonight’s agenda: Consideration of a Resolution Regarding a Proposed Speed Limit Change in Georgetown’s Commercial District.

Georgetowners Find Getting Vaccination Appointments Challenging

January 25, 2021

The list of priority zip codes for distribution left out Georgetown and other parts of Ward 2 and Ward 3, including zip codes 20003 through 20009.