Exorcist Steps Up for Landmark Status

October 18, 2018

On Nov. 15, the District’s Historic Preservation Review Board will consider an application to make the Exorcist Steps a historic landmark, similar to but not on par with the presidential and war memorials.

Ruby Slippers Going Back on View (photos)

The pair owned by the Smithsonian National Museum of American History, worn by actress Judy Garland in “The Wizard of Oz,” were donated to the museum anonymously in 1979.

Capitol Newspeg: Majority, Diversity, Civility

October 15, 2018

What would happen if the majority changes in the House? Plus different ways to approach diversity on the Supreme Court and when and where incivility is apparently okay.

G.U. Professor on Leave After Hateful Tweet

October 7, 2018

In a tweet during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings, C. Christine Fair, an associate professor at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service, celebrated the imaginary deaths of Republican senators.

Capitol Newspeg: Democracy Is Alive and Well on the Hill

October 1, 2018

Many decry that Congress is broken. The complaints, suggestions, accusations, defenses, compromises and dealmaking — all of that is becoming increasingly heated.

Political Floodwaters Rise With Kavanaugh Hearing

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh presented himself as both self-confident, and, oddly, as a victim — and, more than that, the subject of persecution by the Democratic Party.  

Senate Sexual Assault Hearing Is No Circus

September 27, 2018

Unlike many other controversial hearings, the atmosphere surrounding this one among the press and the supporters waiting in line was not to make a rumpus. 

Woodward’s ‘Fear’: A Splash, Then Silence

September 25, 2018

The combination of book and New York Times editorial was explosive, and, one would think, would provide enough fodder for speculative editorializing and deep-think, deep-state posturing to last the rest of Trump’s term, or at least for a week or two.       

Stormy Daniels, Unlikely Hero

September 20, 2018

For some, the evening was a sign of the changing times. For others, like our writer, it was a refreshing break from days of watching the Kavanaugh hearings.

Chaotic, Familiar 70th Emmy Awards Reflects Its Times

September 18, 2018

Some funny things happened at the 70th anniversary Emmy Awards Show on Monday. Not too many funny things, but some. Even with the presence of the hugely popular salt and […]