OSS Society Commemorates Liberation of the Hotel Ritz

November 28, 2012

The Office of Strategic Services Society, which celebrates the World War II predecessor to the C.I.A. and the U.S. Special Operations Command, presented its William J. Donovan Award (named in honor of the OSS founder) to former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates at the West End’s Ritz- Carlton Hotel Oct. 27. The occasion commemorated the liberation of the Hotel Ritz in Paris, France, by Ernest Hemingway, Col. David Bruce and a group of French Resistance fighters on Aug. 25, 1944. Upon their arrival at the Hotel Ritz, its manager asked Hemingway what the Ritz could do for them. Hemingway’s response: “How about 73 dry martinis?” At The OSS Society diner, each guest received a martini with an OSS logo etched on it. Sean Hemingway, Ernest Hemingway’s grandson, offered a toast to his father and his uncle, John Hemingway, who served in the OSS. [gallery ids="101074,137206,137190,137201,137197" nav="thumbs"]

National Sporting Library Museum

The Honorable and Mrs. William A. Nitze hosted a cocktail reception for the NSLM on Nov. 16th at their home in Georgetown. [gallery ids="101073,137199,137170,137194,137177,137189,137184" nav="thumbs"]

Lombardi Gala

November 15, 2012

24th Annual Lombardi Gala was held on November 6 at The Washington Hilton at 6:00 p.m.

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Lombardi GalaNovember 14, 2012

November 14, 2012

The 26th Annual Lombardi Gala was held at the Washington Hilton Nov. 3. The gala benefits Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, known for its world-class basic research and translational medicine programs. This year?s Margaret Hodges Leadership Award, named for the gala found- er, and was bestowed on Barbara Schaefer McDuffie in recog- nition of her personal and professional commitment to advance the center?s research. Robert Kraft, chairman and CEO of the New England Patriots, was the inaugural recipient of the NFL Players Association Georgetown Lombardi Award.

Ambassador of Japan and Mrs. Fujisaki Host 2012 Points of Light Tribute Awards

November 6, 2012

From the moment guests were welcomed onto the red carpet at the residence of Ambassador of Japan Ichiro and Mrs. Fujisaki by a bevy of kimonoed young beauties, it was clear that this would a special, and delightedly nonpartisan, evening. Neil Bush is board chairman of the world’s leading volunteer service organization inspired by his father, President H. W. Bush. Chair of the American Red Cross and former Ambassador to Finland Bonnie McElveen-Hunter was among the honorees. The evening included a live auction with former First Lady Barbara Bush’s signature Kenneth Jay Lane pearls fetching an impressive $14,000 for the cause. [gallery ids="100990,131962,131954,131979,131946,131984,131938,131992,131929,131999,131971" nav="thumbs"]

Opera Camerata Presents Don Giovanni

The wrath of the weather gods could not daunt Opera Camerata loyalists who ensured that Don Giovanni would be presented at the residence of Ambassador of Portugal and Mrs. Nuno Brito on Sept. 8. The Ambassador welcomed guests to a “nice soirée” as he thanked the volunteers. Executive Director Michael Reilly noted that “only mad dogs, Englishmen and opera lovers would come out on an evening like this.” They were well rewarded with a reception and a performance featuring “equal opportunity seducers.” Artistic Director Gregory Buchalter conducted the orchestra and an accomplished cast of young artists and seasoned professionals tented in the embassy gardens. [gallery ids="100991,132013,132028,132004,132033,131996,132039,131987,132046,132020" nav="thumbs"]

Knock Out Abuse Kicks Off at Café Milano

On Sept. 12, Café Milano hosted the ladies of Knock Out Abuse Against Women. Charrisse Jackson-Jordan and Michelle Schoenfeld will co-chair the 19th annual gala where over 750 of Washington D.C.’s most prominent women gather at the Ritz Carlton on Nov. 1 to support victims of domestic violence. In 19 years, co-founders Cheryl Masri and Jill Sorensen have raised over 6.5 million dollars to restore dignity and respect to thousands of victims of domestic violence in the National Capital Area. Leon Harris of ABC7 News said that Saks is a new sponsor this year and will feature “50 shades of red attire.” The evening is a true celebration of the power of women to effect change for the most vulnerable women and children in our community. [gallery ids="102481,120385,120362,120370,120353,120378,120390,120397,120404" nav="thumbs"]

Suri Book Signing

Suri’s Burn Book, the much-anticipated book version of the popular tumblr, was launched on Sept. 5 at A Bar, the spiffy lounge at Modus Hotel’s newest addition, Avenue Suites. Author Allie Hagan, who calls DC her home, met her ardent fans and signed copies of the book which narrates life from the “point of view” of Suri Cruise. The fashionable guests enjoyed custom Georgetown Cupcakes, a bar menu dedicated to Suri (the Suri Cocktail was made from champagne, St. Germain and edible pearls), and an in-person account of what the author’s lawyers deemed too risky for publication. [gallery ids="100992,132070,132035,132063,132042,132057,132050" nav="thumbs"]

Kara by Erwin Gomez

Erwin Gomez opened his latest beauty lounge, Karma on 24th Street in the West End, with an overflow reception on Sept. 12. Gomez’ celebrity clients have included Stevie Wonder, Barbra Streisand and Eva Longoria among others. He has partnered in this new venture with Vinoda Basnayake, Brook Rose, Kunal Shah and Charlie Paret. Guests enjoyed Belvedere Lemon Tea cocktails, Terrazas wine and hors d’oeuvres from RSVP Catering before departing with cosmetic laden goodie bags.

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Wolf Trap Ball: A Retirement Bash for CEO Terre Jones

The stage was set . . . for a ball, the 2012 Wolf Trap Ball that celebrated the “17 Years of Leadership, Innovation and Vision” of Terre Jones, Wolf Trap president and CEO, Sept. 15.
Jones will retire in December and move to Santa Fe with his wife Polly. We should be lucky to have such a retirement party that included sorrel jelly with caviar, lobster fricassee and California smoked bison tenderloin — and dancing and music and more dancing. After all, we were on the Filene Center stage at Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts. John Lee, Wolf Trap Foundation board chairman, greeted the guests and the honoree. Wolf Trap Associates board chairman Peter Lauria listed the embassies represented in the room as well as current and former government officials — and the corporate sponsors. In honor of Jones, Noel Paul Stookey of Peter, Paul and Mary got the group singing to lyrics like “one love, many hearts.” And the song Jones aptly chose to lead this night’s song list? The Beatles’ “With A Little Help From My Friends.”
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