July 26, 2011

The annual NIAF Gala in Washington, DC is an opportunity to recognize and honor Italian Americans and Italians in business, science, sports, entertainment and philanthropy who have made enormous contributions to our society.
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‘Elvis’ Was in the House, and So Was the Speaker

Alfred Wertheimer was the guest of honor at a party put on by Govinda Gallery in John Dreyfuss’s studio at Halcyon House, Oct. 22, the night before Wertheimer’s photo show opened at the National
Portrait Gallery. Chris Murray of Govinda Gallery collaborated with the Smithsonian on the Wertheimer exhibit, but it was his sister’s roommate from Trinity College who got the star treatment — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. She happily embraced Murray whom she has known since he was a boy and greeted most everyone — and even danced with artist Howard Carr to the music of J.P. McDermott and Western Bop. — Robert Devaney [gallery ids="102501,102502,102503,102504,102505" nav="thumbs"]

Kitty Kelley & The Women’s Forum of Washington DC

On Nov. 18, Teresa and Paul Klaassen hosted Kitty Kelley and The Women’s Forum of Washington DC for a holiday shopping extravaganza accompanied by festive hors d’oeuvres and wine bars. Vendors on each floor included Nina McLemore, Proper Topper, J McLaughlin of Georgetown, Ibhana Creations and Sissy Yates Jewelry. The Women’s Forum of Washington, DC, Inc. is an affiliate of International Women’s Forum, an organization of preeminent women who share knowledge and ideas to enrich each other’s lives and to provide a network of support to prepare future generations of women leaders. [gallery ids="102507,120185,120196,120192" nav="thumbs"]

Nina McLemore Hosts Nooristan Foundation

Georgetowner Nina McLemore threw open her doors on Oct. 20 to host a fashion show and sale of her latest collection of quality clothing designed for today’s multi-faceted women to benefit the Nooristan Foundation. Nooristan is a non-profit providing humanitarian, medical and educational support for rural areas in Afghanistan. Projects include livelihood assistance and literacy for 90 families in a refugee camp outside Kabul, training midwives in Takhar province and establishing a village school in Nooristan. Nina sells primarily through independent consultants holding private trunk shows. Better specialty locations and eight recently established permanent eponymous stores showcase her wearable and travelable fashions. – Mary Bird [gallery ids="99440,99441,99442,99443" nav="thumbs"]

Constellation Stage Design Preview of Ramayana

Oklahoma is not the only play enjoying a return visit this season. Constellation Theatre Company is bringing back Ramayana based on Indian mythology, which played to sold out houses at Source last year. The production, which will open a three-week run on Aug. 4, will reassemble half the cast and have the welcome addition of Matthew McGloin, who charmed in On the Razzle, playing the monkey Hanuman. On July 11, Constellation’s Artistic Director Allison Stockman presided over a design presentation introducing new and old members of the ensemble and showcasing Kendra Rai’s stunning costumes and two-time Helen Hayes Award winner Tom Teasley’s onstage music. Guests then mingled at a wine and cheese reception.

Family Fun on Volta Park Day . . . Then, the Thunder

July 13, 2011

Volta Park Day lived up to its familiar, neighborhood charm: hamburgers, hot dogs, coconut cake, popcorn, snow cones with the slide, water dunk, sprinklers, band and flea market. Moms, dads and the kids were still smiling, although the picnic was cut short by thunder and light rain around 5:15 p.m. on June 12. The park’s C.M. Anderson reminds us that the Volta Park pool opens its full summer schedule on June 21: Tuesday through Thursday, 1 to 8 p.m., public; Saturday and Sunday, noon to 6 p.m.; closed Monday.
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Comcast and NBC Universal

Comcast and NBC Universal celebrated the 15th anniversary of MSNNC on Thursday, July 7th, at America’s Square 300 New Jersey Avenue. Guests toasted to “The Place for Politics,” while enjoying Japanese and Mexican appetizers, and indulging in Sprinkles cupcakes. [gallery ids="100237,106585,106574,106582,106579" nav="thumbs"]

Monaco Toasts Prince Albert’s Nuptials

Ambassador of Monaco and Mrs. Gilles Noghes celebrated the sixth anniversary of Prince Albert II’s accession to the throne and his recent wedding to Charlene Wittstock at a July 7 reception at the Metropolitan Club. Following a rendition of national anthems, the Ambassador said that the Prince had found the Princess he was looking for and shared that Prince Albert had quoted poet Robert Frost in honoring his new Princess as being the one he found on “the road less traveled.” Guests enjoyed a video presentation of the nuptials followed by an eloquent ambassadorial toast to US-Monaco friendship and, of course, to the newlyweds. [gallery ids="102536,120113,120119,120097,120105,120131,120125" nav="thumbs"]

Bulgaria Honors Azar Foundation

On June 30, Ambassador of Bulgaria Elena Poptodorova hosted a buffet dinner at her residence to introduce her diplomatic colleagues and US officials and friends to the Azar Foundation for Children of the World founded by Shahin Mafi. The foundation focuses on issues related to underprivileged and orphaned children as well as women’s issues internationally. The Ambassador spoke of children as often a “threatened species.” In welcoming the support for Azar, Shahin said “The smile or cry of children has no language. It is universal.” The evening was enhanced by the delightful singing of Bulgarian artist Elitsa Yordanova Stoyneva. [gallery ids="100235,106539,106565,106561,106544,106557,106549,106553" nav="thumbs"]

Turkey Celebrates the Washington Ballet

Ambassador of Turkey Namik Tan held a June 28 reception to celebrate the Washington Ballet’s upcoming cultural mission to Turkey and participation in the international Dance Festival in Bodrum on the Turkish coast. Board Chair Sylvia de Leon thanked the Ambassador for Turkey’s leadership in the arts and acknowledged the presence of Turkish dance students. The Ambassador traced the history of the residence and its role as a jazz center when Turkey’s second ambassador in Washington Münir Ertegün hosted black jazz musicians during the 1930s and 1940s in a racially segregated capital. The Ballet’s eight day tour in late August will include visits to historic sites in Istanbul and Ephesus, Whirling Dervishes and a performance at famed Bodum Castle. [gallery ids="100234,106524,106545,106529,106541,106534,106538" nav="thumbs"]