Washington Performing Arts Gala

May 23, 2014

Singer/songwriter Vusi Mahlasela, known as “The Voice” of South Africa, was flown in to headline the Washington Performing Arts 2014 Gala and Auction at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel on May 10, the 20th anniversary of Nelson Mandela’s inauguration as President of South Africa. Ambassador Ebrahim Rasool and Mrs. Rosieda Shabodien served as Diplomatic Chairs. The ambassador hailed the organization’s Embassy Adoption Program which teaches D.C. public school students about other cultures. The live auction raised about $135,000 for scholarships to summer camps featuring Children of the Gospel, Step Afrika and Capital Jazz.? [gallery ids="101740,141959,141954,141961,141944,141950" nav="thumbs"]

Partners for the Arts Celebrates First Year

Shahin Mafi hosted the first anniversary celebration for Partners for the Arts at a May 17 reception, featuring prizewinners of Partners’ 2013 Vocal Awards Competition. The operatic program included baritone Jeffrey Baumgardner’s moving “Soliloquy” from “Carousel.” The vocalists were accompanied by pianist Frank Conlon. President Leilane Mehler said, “Thank all of you who embraced our mission so generously.” Partners for the Arts encourages and promotes the careers of emerging singers not under professional management.
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Thailand and Russia Win Embassy Chef Challenge

More than 400 guests attended the 6th Annual Embassy Chef Challenge, benefiting Cultural Tourism D.C., at the Ronald Reagan Building May 15.

Chef Jiraporn Bunlet from the Thai Embassy won the Judges’ Choice Award for her spicy salmon salad, and chef Roman Shchadrin from the Russian Embassy won the People’s Choice Award for his salmon ice cream (not quite a dessert).

Former Chief of Protocol Capricia Penavic Marshall served as honorary gala chair and hailed “cultural diplomacy in action.” Board chair Tim Cox quoted Mayor Vincent Gray, who termed “culinary diplomacy as food for thought.” Fifteen embassies participated and were judged by Washington’s food elite, including Washington Post food reporter Tim Carman and cookbook authors Joan Nathan and Amy Riolo.
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GALA Salutes Benefactors, Tango Quintet

Noche de Estrellas/Night of the Stars celebrated the artistic vision and youth education initiatives of GALA — Group of Latin American Artists — May 13. Guests enjoyed a rooftop reception, featuring paella and other delectables, before a program that honored the late entrepreneur Michael Kappaz, philanthropist Malan Strong and Quin Tango chamber tango quintet. As an Argentine, GALA co-founder Hugo Medrano said that the group’s songs “explain the tango as a culture.” The entertainment also included soprano Elisa Córdova, performance artist Alina Collins Maldonado and Paso Nuevo, a project that helps at-risk Latino youth. Following a spirited live auction, guests enjoyed a champagne toast and dessert. [gallery ids="101745,141886,141890,141877,141883" nav="thumbs"]

Rescue League Celebrates 100 Years

On May 10, Washington Animal Rescue League President & CEO Bob Ramin welcomed “supporters both two- and four-legged” to WARL’s celebration of 100 years of providing animal welfare services to companion animals and their guardians in the National Capital area. Guests and their canine companions at the Fairmont Hotel gala enjoyed a reception, dinner, awards ceremony and dancing. Washington Post reporter and dog lover Jackie Kucinich emceed the evening. Best-selling author Nora Roberts and auto dealership executive Dottie Fitzgerald were Centennial awardees. WARL enters its second century with plans to expand its services in a building which it has acquired next to the shelter. [gallery ids="101744,141897,141892,141899" nav="thumbs"]

Maroon Exhibit at Artist’s Proof

Photographer Fred Maroon was — and remains — well known throughout Washington and was a friend of The Georgetowner. He allowed the newspaper to use his spectacular images from time to time. The newspaper ran his photos, did features on him, especially a 1999 cover story. Maroon’s widow Suzy Maroon and sons Paul and Marc were at a May 15 reception for the Artists’ Proof exhibit, “Far Out Fashions: An Exhibition of Fashion Photography by the Late Fred J. Maroon,” which runs through June 1.

At 125 Years, a Celebration of Caring for Washington Home & Hospices

May 13, 2014

The Washington Home & Community Hospices celebrated its 125th anniversary Italian-style — “Celebrazione della Cura” — held at the Embassy of Italy April 26. Board chair Sharon Casey welcomed guests and introduced CEO Tim Cox, who said at 125 years “we look really good and are going strong.” Many diplomats and local leaders enjoyed Design Cuisine’s tastes of Italy. Instead of the familiar auction format, the evening featured an Italian market with unique items from Neó Shop, Rome, DePandi, D& M Design and Paul’s Wine & Spirits among other temptations. The net proceeds of purchases will provide much need funds to assist the aging and terminally ill. [gallery ids="101732,142098,142110,142107,142092,142103" nav="thumbs"]

Sitar Arts Center Spring Celebration and Benefit

Dorothy and her companions were in good company on their way to Oz as they were joined by supporters of Sitar Arts Center on a walk down the Yellow Brick Road and an evening in Emerald City, the theme of the May 1 benefit at the Mexican Cultural Institute. Generous contributions raised over $253,000 in critical funds that will directly support more than 800 students whose lives are positively impacted each year through Sitar’s afterschool, weekend and summer programs. The Host Committee members created a matching gift opportunity to ensure that no child will be turned away because of a family’s inability to pay for the Center’s transformational arts education programs.
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Diplomats Welcomed Back

May 12, 2014

Former ambassadors of France, Germany and Italy were given a hearty welcome by many friends in DC as they were feted at the elegant home of Aniko Gaal and Nash Schott on Apr. 28. The ambassadors were in town to attend the meeting of the Trilateral Commission, the “Think Tank” that focuses on global issues facing Europe, North America and Asia. Ukraine, energy issues and cyberspace were on top of the official agenda but the conversation was a good bit lighter chez Schott. [gallery ids="101728,142358,142333,142338,142344,142349,142361,142355" nav="thumbs"]

Medstar National Rehabilitation Network Las Vegas Night

Stunning “showgirls” welcomed guests to the National Museum of Women in the Arts on Apr. 20 as Medstar National Rehabilitation Network held its 3rd Annual Las Vegas Night benefit. The event, with Co-chairs Barbara Ayers, Janie McNamara and Mark E. Richards, MD, and Honorary Chair Carole M. Randolph, was emceed by Mike Walter. Gaming options included Roulette, Black Jack, Craps and Texas Hold’em, all to raise money for the hospital’s various patient disability programs, including those geared towards brain and spinal cord injuries and stroke. [gallery ids="100767,123339,123331,123297,123326,123305,123320,123313" nav="thumbs"]