Night of Vision

April 11, 2014

The Prevention of Blindness Society (POB) of Metropolitan Washington held Eye on Low Vision at the Four Seasons Hotel on March 24. The theme focused on POB’s programs and services that help individuals of every age or socio-economic background save or improve their sight. A reception and silent auction were followed by dinner with Master of Tyrone Stanley. Virginia Lions Club, District 24-A, received the Community Service Award, and Suleiman Alibhai, O.D., was honored with the Professional Service Award. Guests eagerly took to the dance floor to the upbeat sound of Bob Jenets UpFront. [gallery ids="100721,120703,120697,120668,120692,120677,120685" nav="thumbs"]

Kickoff Luncheon for ‘Celebrazione della Cura’

The Washington Home and Community Hospices will celebrate the 125th anniversary of providing healthcare services for aging, chronically and terminally ill area residents at the Embassy of Italy on April 26. In anticipation, a kick-off luncheon was held at the George Town Club. CEO Tim Cox welcomed guests and acknowledged club board president Sharon Casey. The only in-patient hospice facility in D.C. gives “people the opportunity to make memories until the very end.” Guests shared their personal experiences and raised a glass to Tandy and Wyatt Dickerson, who were celebrating their 20th wedding anniversary, and to the birthday of photographer Neshan Naltchayan.

Brenda de Suze, Kathie Truitt, Linda White (Kickoff 002.jpg)

Jan Du Plain Sheila Switzer, Sharon Casey

(Kickoff 003.jpg)

Nicole d’Amecourt, Judith Terra, Shahin Mafi, Harriet Fulbright (Kickoff 004.jpg)

Wyatt and Tandy Dickerson flank Robert Heggestad.
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‘British Invasion’ Underwriters Hosted by Tony Podesta

Beth Kohlhoss and Kay Kendall spearheaded a new initiative of the Women’s Committee of the Washington Ballet to help underwrite the March performance of “British Invasion: the Beatles & the Rolling Stones” at the Kennedy Center. In appreciation, Tony Podesta hosted an April reception at his Kalorama home, where Marsha Muawwad arranged for Patrick Jepson, former private secretary to Princess Diana, to speak of the “joy of dance” as it ran through the princess’s life. From his perspective, Jepson spoke of Diana’s “ability to communicate at an emotional level instinctively” and charmingly noted that Diana “talked to the hearts and tummies of people in the streets.”
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‘Celebration of Hope’ Gala

The sixth Celebration of Hope Gala at the Park Hyatt Washington, D.C., on March 21 honored Nancy and Scott Ogden with the Celebration of Hope Award and the Commercial Restoration Group of Cheverly, Md., with the Partnership Award. Scott chairs and Commercial Restoration Group sponsors the Hope Connections Annual Golf Tournament which has raised more than $300,000. Scott said with conviction, We have the finest cancer support organization anywhere.” Since it opened in Bethesda, Md., in 2007, Hope Connections for Cancer Support has assisted people affected by cancer through support groups, educational workshops, mind/body classes and community programs. The organization has a 19-member working board of directors and a 17-member medical advisory board. [gallery ids="101698,143910,143917,143914" nav="thumbs"]

Ninth Annual Women & Wine Raises Record Funds for Breast Cancer

More than 400 women gathered at the Four Seasons on April 1 for the Ninth Annual Women & Wine, benefitting the Nina Hyde Center for Breast Cancer Research at Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center. The women-only event raised a record $259,000. Claudine Isaacs, M.D., and Shawna Willey, M.D., presented updates on the latest breakthroughs in breast cancer research and treatment, followed by a question-and-answer session. The evening included a cocktail hour with silent auction and dinner, after which emcee Greta Kreuz of WJLA-TV presented the 2014 Spirit of Life Award to Karen M. Gifuni as a person who exemplifies character and leadership in promoting breast cancer research and awareness.

Meet the Artists at the National Museum of Women in the Arts

NMWA Women’s Committee President Fran Usher was delighted that past president Cyd Everett arranged for four artists who are committee members to discuss their work at a special presentation at the museum on April 3, followed by a buffet luncheon on the mezzanine. Clarissa Bonde described her precise botanical works as “both a science and an art.” Korean-born abstract artist Su Kwak said she tries to paint from inner strength. Joanne Turney opined that “abstract art is purely mental” and likened art to the “making of a prayer.” Watercolorist Irene Schaffner, who paints “only in color and only in Washington,” concluded the program on a springtime note. The State Department has chosen her art as gifts to visiting dignitaries.

Captions: Irene Schaffner, Clarissa Bonde, Fran Usher (NMWA 001.jpg)

Cyd Everett, Linda White (NMWA 002.jpg)

Joanne Turney, Christine Kursch (NMWA 003.jpg)

Vibeke Lofft, Su Kwak (NMWA 004.jpg)
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Women Doctors Take Over Women’s Arts Museum

As the American Medical Women’s Association met for its national conference, it also celebrated its 99th annual gala at the National Museum of Women in the Arts March 15 to salute awardees Patricia Allen, M.D., Gayatri Devi, M.D., and Arianna Huffington. The evening was quite the scene with female brainpower and all those doctors. The ANWA functions at the local, national and international level to advance women in medicine and improve women’s health. [gallery ids="116827,116820,116834,116838,116843" nav="thumbs"]

Dana Tai Soon Burgess Dance Company

Washington dance patrons and Dana Tai Soon Burgess Dance Company members gathered at Cyril Brenac’s Bistrot Lepic in Georgetown on Apr. 1 for a fundraising wine-tasting honoring the company’s history-making residency at the Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery. Burgess is the first-ever choreographer in residence at the museum, where his portrait currently hangs alongside dance pioneers such as Martha Graham and Isadora Duncan, and debuted the piece “Homage,” inspired by the “Dancing the Dream” exhibition there in November last year. Burgess is premiering his newest work, performing two shows at the National Portrait Gallery’s Kogod Courtyard, on Saturday Apr. 19 at 1:00 and 2:30 PM.

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Latino Fund 14th Annual Gala

The Latino Student Fund celebrated 20 years of creating educational opportunities for Hispanic-Latino children in our area at an annual benefit gala at the Organization of American States, hosted by Arturo Ulises Vallarino Bartuano, Permanent Representative of Panama to the OAS, and his wife. The evening featured cocktails and a silent auction followed by dinner. Erika Gonzalez of NBC-4 emceed and Steve Little conducted an exciting live auction. The gala drew more than 230 attendees and raised more than $220,000 to benefit the organization’s educational programs for under-served youth. Services include academic tutoring and scholarships, college prep and family outreach. [gallery ids="101697,143919,143921" nav="thumbs"]

It’s a Timely Woman-to-Watch Dinner

Running Star hosted its eighth annual Women to Watch Awards Dinner April 2 at the Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill, celebrating some of the most impressive young women leaders in the country. [gallery ids="116782,116776,116787" nav="thumbs"]