We’re All Teachers Now

March 25, 2020

NAVIGATING THE UNCHARTED TERRITORIES OF HOMESCHOOLING IN THE AGE OF CORONAVIRUS “It’s recess time!” shouts 6-year-old Annabelle, as she sets down her iPad, removes her headphones and steps out onto […]

Jack Evans Withdraws From Special Election

March 19, 2020

But Evans said he would unquestionably stay in the race for the new four-year term, to be decided in the Nov. 3 general election.

Meeting on Main Street Grants, March 4

March 2, 2020

To qualify for a grant, applicants will have to document expenses they have incurred or intend to incur during the period from October of 2019 to Sept. 15, 2020.

Park Service Approves C&O Canal Plan

February 27, 2020

Among the plan’s design concepts are improved canal and towpath access and accessibility, increased interpretive and educational opportunities and more welcoming and usable open spaces.

Georgetown Bus Service Reductions Planned

February 24, 2020

A public meeting with the WMATA board regarding the proposed changes is scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 26, at 4 p.m. at the agency’s headquarters, 600 5th St. NW.

E-Scooters to Be Corralled

January 27, 2020

Three corral locations in Georgetown are on the list: near the corners of N and Thomas Jefferson Streets, 33rd and M Streets and 26th and P Streets NW.

Streetcar to Georgetown Kaput

January 23, 2020

The project was not included in any of the District Department of Transportation’s 2020 budget requests in a 600-plus-page document DDOT submitted to the District Council this week.

Standing Room Only at Ellington Field Meeting

January 21, 2020

On Jan. 15, close to 200 residents met with city officials from the Departments of Parks and Recreation, DC Public Schools and the Department of General Services about the field’s future.

Homelessness Meeting at Grace Church, Jan. 22

The guest speakers at the Wednesday evening program will be Lindsay Curtin of D.C. Council on Homelessness, Sean Read of Friendship Place and John Wiebenson of the Georgetown BID.

Community Meeting on Ellington Field, Jan. 15

January 13, 2020

The Department of Parks and Recreation has scheduled a meeting at the Georgetown Neighborhood Library to discuss potential uses of the field, located between 39th Street and River Road NW.