D.C. Passes 1,000 Coronavirus Deaths; Mayor’s Sister Dies
By February 25, 2021 0 882
Washington, D.C., reported more than 1,000 deaths related to COVID-19 as of Feb. 24. On the same day, COVID-19 led to a poignant and personal sorrow for D.C.’s Mayor Muriel Bowser, who announced the death of her older sister. Mercia Bowser, 64, died yesterday morning of coronavirus-related pneumonia at the Washington Hospital Center.
The mayor said in a statement: “My family and I are mourning the loss of my sister, Mercia Bowser, who passed away this morning due to complications related to COVID-19. Mercia was loved immensely and will be missed greatly, as she joins the legion of angels who have gone home too soon due to the pandemic. I ask that you continue to keep those who have been lost or impacted by the pandemic and those who are working so hard to protect us from it in your thoughts and prayers, and I respectfully request that my family and I are granted the time and space we need to mourn the loss of Mercia.
“Mercia was a loving daughter, sister, aunt and friend. She worked tirelessly for children, the elderly and those with behavioral disorders until her retirement and beyond. She counted many friends and fond memories of her service to Catholic Charities and the DC Office on Aging. She is survived by her parents Joan and Joseph Bowser, brothers, sister, nieces, nephews and a host friends ranging from St. John’s Elementary School to Academy of Our Lady High School to Fisk University and Israel Metropolitan CME Church.
“We are grateful to the doctors and nurses at Washington Hospital Center, who heroically treated her for COVID-19-related pneumonia until her death. We thank you for your kindness and will share how our family will honor Mercia, my only sister and oldest sibling, and her beautiful spirit in the coming days.”
Yesterday was an official day of remembrance for the District because of the 1,000-death milestone. Earlier in the week, President Joe Biden and America marked 500,000 U.S. deaths due to COVID-19. At same time, cases in the region as well as nationwide are dropping, while increasing vaccinations are seen as a sign of hope for curtailing the pandemic.
D.C.’s death rate by race is 75 percent, Black/African American; 12 percent, Hispanic/Latinx; 11 percent, Non-Hispanic White. Breakdown for sex is 56 percent, male; 44 percent, female. Upper age group numbers include: 23 percent, 60 to 69; 25 percent, 70 to 79; 34 percent, 80 or older. There are no deaths for those under 19.
While deaths in Wards 2 and 3 clock in at five percent and Wards 1 and 6 at 10 percent, Ward 4 is at 14 percent, Ward 5, 18 percent; Ward 7, 16 percent, Ward 8, 19 percent.
Today at 9 a.m., according to DC Heath, “approximately 4,350 appointments will be made available to D.C. residents who live in priority zip codes. Eligible residents must live in a priority zip code and have a qualifying medical condition (18 and older), be 65 years old or older and/or are members of an eligible workforce group.”
Demand for the vaccine is high, and the appointments are expected to fill quickly. Those with internet access should register for an appointment through vaccinate.dc.gov. Those who do not have internet access should call the District’s hotline at 855-363-0333 beginning at 9 a.m. to register for an appointment.
DC stated that on Friday, Feb. 26, at 9 a.m., approximately 4,350 additional vaccination appointments will become available to District residents who are 65 years of age and older, have a qualifying medical condition (18 and older) and/or are members of an eligible workforce group, regardless of where they live. These appointments will also be available to workers who live outside of D.C. but work in the District.
The District government recorded 179 new positive coronavirus (COVID-19) cases on Feb. 24, bringing the overall positive case total to 40,122.
The District also reported that four additional residents lost their lives due to COVID-19: a 64-year-old female, a 66-year-old male, a 69-year-old female and an 86-year-old female.
Tragically, 1,005 District residents have lost their lives due to COVID-19.
The latest data puts the D.C coronavirus mortality rate at 2.5 percent.
Visit coronavirus.dc.gov/data for interactive data dashboards or to download COVID-19 data.