Globetrotter Flight Time Lands in Town at Key and Volta Parks
By March 22, 2012 0 1424
Harlem Globetrotter star Herbert “Flight Time” Lang traveled on Key Bridge into Georgetown March 19 to start the tip-off for Globetrotter Week. During his dribbling, walking and basketball spinning from Lee Highway in Arlington to the basketball courts at Volta Park, Flight Time paused at Francis Scott Key Park on M Street and saluted the Georgetown author of the national anthem and the Star-Spangled Banner which waves above the park.
Flight Time’s one-mile walk was part of the Globetrotters’ school visits and goodwill appearances which lead up to the team’s three games demonstrating the Globetrotter’s unique skills and techniques on March 24 and 25 at the Verizon Center and the Patriot Center. (They will take the court at the Verizon Center, March 24 at 1 p.m., and then the Patriot Center in Fairfax, Va., March 24, 7:30 p.m., and March 25, 2 p.m.).
One of the Globetrotters’ most dynamic ball handlers, Flight Time appeared with teammate Nathaniel “Big Easy” Lofton on “The Amazing Race” in two separate seasons. In their second effort for the finish line in the TV show, they came in second. Having appeared on other TV game or “reality” shows, Flight Time’s record was perfect on “Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?” during which he answered each question posed to him correctly.
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- Globetrotter Herbert “Flight Time” Lang spins his basketball next to the bust of Francis Scott Key, author of the nation anthem, “The Star-Spangled Banner.” | Robert Devaney
- Robert Devaney