Malmaison to Open June 10 With Chef Gerard Pangaud


It has been long anticpated, but Malmaison, now a lunch and dinner restaurant as well as a dessert specialty eatery and bar, being put together by Omar Popal, will open in a matter of days. Shall we say Monday, June 10? The Popal family, headed by Zubair Popal, also runs Cafe Bonaparte on Wisconsin Avenue and Napoleon Bistro and Lounge on Columbia Road. The building at 3401 K Street, NW — or 34th and Water Streets — also houses Gypsy Sally’s Acoustic Tavern.

Gerard Pangaud is set to become Malmaison’s executive chef. Pangaud is well known in town for his now-closed Vintage on M Street near 30th Street and Gerard’s Place at McPherson Square. Most recently, he has been consulting and running the Pentagon Dining Room.


  • Robert Devaney

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