Thos. Moser Back By Popular Demand
By March 11, 2015 0 916
Thos. Moser Cabinetmakers will return to Georgetown March 20. After closing in June 2012 following a 10-year run at the corner of 33rd and M Streets, the Thos. Moser showroom will reopen just down the street at 1028 33rd St. NW.
The Thos. Moser team will hold a public opening event, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday, March 21 (see Calendar), with founder Tom Moser, 80, signing catalogs until 2 p.m. and a demonstration by master craftsman Warren Shaw. Visitors can enter to win a spot in the customer-in-residence program, in which winners spend a week at the Harraseeket Inn in Freeport, Maine, and build a Continuous Arm Chair at the Moser workshop.