‘Patriot Artist’ Completes 50-State, Flag-Painting Trip
By September 17, 2015 0 1836
Scott LoBaido, known as “The Patriot Artist,” finished painting his 50th flag at the American Legion in Arlington Aug. 20. It was his final flag mural of his six-month, 50-state 2015 “Painting Flags Across America Tour.” LoBaido’s artwork, a tribute to veterans, is now along the front wall of American Legion Post #139, easily seen from Washington Boulevard, where it was formally dedicated during an Aug. 20 ceremony.
It was a perfect timing, too, because someone had stolen the U.S. flag from the pole in front of the American Legion building a few nights before.
LoBaido, who considers the American flag “the greatest piece of artwork ever created,” said he deliberately selected Arlington as the location for his final rendition of the Stars & Stripes because of its proximity to Arlington National Cemetery and the Tomb of the Unknowns.
“Choosing Arlington for the ‘End of Tour Dedication Ceremony’ is my way of honoring all veterans—the millions who have defended her in the past, as well as the thousands who continue to defend her today,” LoBaido said.
The artist began his 24,000-mile journey in Feb. 20 in Fayetteville, N.C., and estimated that he “used 1,200 gallons of paint and went through 500 paint rollers and 500 paint brushes and 25 pairs of jeans and white T-shirts . . . and made 50,000 new friends.”
Logistics for the tour were handled by retired Special Forces Medic, Art Salisbury, and it was sponsored by the Home Depot Foundation, Behr Paint, CitiQuiet Windows and the Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation.
- Past Department Commander Linden Dixon and Post Commander Bob Romano flank the artist, Scott LoBaido, in Arlington, Va. | Photo by Neshan H. Naltchayan
- Nora Birch