Hot Ticket, ANC Monday: Parking Changes Considered. Be There.

It all comes together Monday evening for a proposal on parking in Georgetown, after meetings on parking were also held by the Georgetown Business Improvement District and the Georgetown Business Association. Expect a large crowd at ANC 2E’s Feb. 26 gathering, especially those from the business community. As a perennial issue for the oldest neighborhood in D.C., expect some verbal fireworks.

The Georgetown-Burleith-Hillandale Advisory Neighborhood Commission will hold its March monthly meeting on Monday, Feb. 26, at 6:30 p.m. at Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School, 35th Street and Volta Place NW, in the Heritage Room on the second floor of the main building. The following is the agenda, as provided by ANC 2E.

Approval of the Agenda
• Approval of the ANC’s February 26th, 2018 Meeting Agenda

• Approval of the ANC’s January 29th, 2018 Meeting Minutes


• Public Safety and Police Report

• Presentation by the DC Fire and EMS Department

• Approval of the ANC’s FY 2018 Quarter 1 Financial Report

Community Comment

• Presentation by Laura Newland, the Executive Director of the DC Office on Aging

• Update from the Mayor’s Office

• Update from Councilmember Jack Evans’ Office

• Update from the Citizens Association of Georgetown

• Update from the Burleith Citizens Association

• Update from the Georgetown BID

• Update from the Georgetown Business Association

• Update from Georgetown Main Street

• Update from MedStar Georgetown University Hospital

• Announcement Regarding the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs’ Updated
Property Information Verification System (PIVS) and the Addition of Vacant Property and Illegal Construction Services to 3-1-1

New Business

• Consideration of a Resolution Regarding Neighborhood Parking Concerns

• Consideration of Testimony for the DC Council Oversight Hearing on the Department of
Consumer and Regulatory Affairs

• Consideration of Testimony for the DC Council Oversight Hearing on the District Department of Transportation

• Consideration of a Resolution Regarding the Rose Park Farmer’s Market’s 2018 Season

• Consideration of a Resolution Regarding the Special Event Application for the Marine Corps Marathon on Sunday, October 28th

Alcoholic Beverage Control Board

• Application by The Wing for a New Retailer’s Class “C” Restaurant License at 1056 Thomas Jefferson Street NW (ABRA-108744)

Old Georgetown Board

Private Projects

1. SMD 2E02 – OG 18-124 (HPA 18-230) 3405 Dent Place, NW (Square 1291, Lot 842) Residence New addition

2. SMD 2E03 – OG 18-117 (HPA 18-222) 3317 P Street, NW (Square 1254, Lot 207) Residence New accessory structure, fence replacement, synthetic turf lawn Concept

3. SMD 2E03 – OG 18-120 (HPA 18-225) 1408 Wisconsin Avenue, NW (Square 1244, Lot 874) Commercial Storefront alterations, New sign Concept

4. SMD 2E05 – OG 17-361 (HPA 17-633) 1051-1055 29th Street, NW (Square 1193, Lot 45,46,800-804) Industrial Demolition Permit

5. SMD 2E05 – OG 18-118 (HPA 18-224) 1061 31st Street, NW (Square 1198, Lot 63) Commercial Installation of Wall-Mounted Kiosk on Front Elevation Concept

6. SMD 2E05 – OG 18-073 (HPA 18-125) 2900 K Street, NW (Square 1171, Lot 82) House of Sweden Installation of Seasonal Tent on Roof Concept

7. SMD 2E05 – OG 18-115 (HPA 18-217) 3050 K Street, NW (Square 1173, Lot 821) Commercial Antenna

8. SMD 2E05 – OG 18-083 (HPA 18-163) 3259 M Street, NW (Square 1207, Lot 122) Commercial Installation of Wall Mounted Sign, Recovering of Awnings, Door Replacement, and Alterations

9. SMD 2E05 – OG 18-125 (HPA 18-231) 3602 Prospect Street, NW (Square 1202, Lot 838) Residence Rear addition, Roof addition, Alterations Concept

10. SMD 2E05 – OG 17-322 (HPA 17-550) 3100 South Street, NW (Square 1189, Lot 88) Commercial Addition

11. SMD 2E05 – OG 17-352 (HPA 17-608) 1075 Thomas Jefferson Street, NW (Square 1197, Lot 62) Commercial Replacement of Roof Trellis Concept

12. SMD 2E06 – OG 18-129 (HPA 18-235) 1339 29th Street, NW (Square 1240, Lot 135) Residence Two-Story and One-Story Rear Addition, Alterations Concept


13. SMD 2E06 – OG 18-131 (HPA 18-237) 3040 P Street, NW (Square 1257, Lot 821) Residence Window Replacement on Rear Elevation, Site Work to Rear Yard, Interior Alterations Concept

14. SMD 2E06 – OG 18-102 (HPA 18-186) 3053 P Street, NW (Square 1269, Lot 368) Residence Alterations to Side and Rear Elevations, Site Alterations, and Window & Door Replacement Concept

15. SMD 2E06 – OG 18-075 (HPA 18-127) 3024 Q Street, NW (Square 1269, Lot 360) Residence Alterations to Rear Fenestration, Installation of Covered Porch & Walkway Concept

No Review At This Time by ANC 2E: The following additional projects, which are on the upcoming March 1st, 2018 agenda of the Old Georgetown Board (OGB), have not been added to the ANC meeting agenda for OGB-related design review and we do not propose to adopt a resolution on them at this time. If there are concerns about any of these projects, please contact the ANC office by Friday, February 23rd, 2018.

Private Projects

1. SMD 2E01 – OG 18-110 (HPA 18-194) 3700 O Street, NW (Square 1321, Lot 833) Institution Installation of Pergola Structures and Planters on Pedestrian Plazas Permit

2. SMD 2E01 – OG 18-072 (HPA 18-124) 3800 Reservoir Road, NW (Square 1321, Lot 824-826, 833) Medstar Georgetown University Hospital New hospital building, Site work Revised concept

3. SMD 2E02 – OG 18-113 (HPA 18-211) 1600 32nd Street, NW (Square 1280, Lot 80) Residence Window replacement

4. SMD 2E02 – OG 17-100 (HPA 17-177) 3247 Q Street, NW (Square 1279, Lot 829) Commercial Window replacement

5. SMD 2E02 – OG 18-122 (HPA 18-227) 3319 Q Street, NW (Square 1278, Lot 243) Residence Removal of Stucco from Front and Side Elevations to Expose Clapboard Siding Permit

6. SMD 2E02 – OG 18-002 (HPA 18-002) 1641 Wisconsin Avenue, NW (Square 1280, Lot 820) Commercial Signage Concept

7. SMD 2E03 – OG 18-119 (HPA 18-224) 1326 35th Street, NW (Square 1277, Lot 820) Residence Alterations to Fenestration at Rear, Window Replacement at Front, Fence Replacement Permit

8. SMD 2E03 – OG 18-128 (HPA 18-234) 3234 N Street, NW (Square 1218, Lot 830) Residence Alterations to front entry, Window Replacement, Site Alterations Permit

9. SMD 2E03 – OG 18-126 (HPA 18-232) 3144 O Street, NW (Square 1243, Lot 60) Residence New rear door

10. SMD 2E03 – OG 18-082 (HPA 18-161) 3251 Prospect Street, NW (Square 1218, Lot 101) Mixed-use Installation of Cellular Antennas and Equipment – T-Mobile Concept

11. SMD 2E04 – OG 18-127 (HPA 18-233) 3700 O Street, NW (Square 1321, Lot 1) Georgetown University New structure, Alterations – Cooper Field Permit

12. SMD 2E05 – OG 18-112 (HPA 18-196) 3222-3236 M Street, NW (Square 1200, Lot 868) Commercial Sign – Anthropologie & Co. Permit

13. SMD 2E05 – OG 18-121 (HPA 18-226) 1065 Wisconsin Avenue, NW (Square 1199, Lot 839) Commercial Signs – “South Moon uUnder” Concept

14. SMD 2E06 – OG 18-123 (HPA 18-228) 3035 M Street, NW (Square 1209, Lot 63) Commercial Installation of Wall-Mounted Sign on Front Elevation Concept

15. SMD 2E06 – OG 18-130 (HPA 18-236) 2703 Dumbarton Street, NW (Square 1239, Lot 872) Residence Window and Door Replacement on Front and Rear Elevations Concept

16. SMD 2E06 – OG 18-132 (HPA 18-238) 3009 Dumbarton Street, NW (Square 1242, Lot 137) Residence Replacement of Wood Fence in Side Yard and Installation of Wrought Iron Gate Permit

17. SMD 2E06 – OG 18-114 (HPA 18-213) 3049 West Lane Keys, NW (Square 1269, Lot 869) Residence Window Replacement on Front Elevation Permit

18. SMD 2E07 – OG 18-080 (HPA 18-159) 2735 P Street, NW (Square 1266, Lot 300) Residence Window Replacement, Installation of Windows on Side Elevation, Site Work to Rear Yard

19. SMD 2E08 – OG 18-116 (HPA 18-221) 3700 O Street, NW (Square 833, Lot 1321) Georgetown University – Copley Crypt & Saint William Chapel Exterior Restoration, Waterproofing, Roof Replacement, and Alterations Permit



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