D.C. Sets Phase 2 Reopening: Monday, June 22
By June 17, 2020 0 1071
•Washington, D.C., will enter the second phase of its reopening plan on Monday, June 22, Mayor Muriel Bowser said on June 17, if COVID-19 case numbers continue to decline — that is, if data indicate a “sustained decrease in community spread for 14 days” and a “low positivity rate.”
“District government will continue to operate on a modified telework posture,” said the mayor. “In Phase Two, mass gatherings of more than 50 people are prohibited.”
On Monday, restaurants and shops, formerly deemed nonessential, may open at 50-percent capacity inside.
Houses of worship may open at half-capacity or with a maximum of 100 persons, whichever is lower. Singing is discouraged.
The Department of Parks and Recreation will open playgrounds and playing fields for casual contact sports only. Its pools will be open only for lessons and lap swimming — not for open swimming.
Also permitted to open will be nail, waxing and tanning salons, as well as tattoo parlors — by appointment only and with stations six feet apart.
Gyms, fitness centers and yoga and dance studios can open with a limit of five persons per 1,000 square feet of space. Equipment and participants must be 10 feet apart. Summer camps can open to groups of 10 or fewer campers.
Libraries may reopen at 50-percent capacity. Theaters and other entertainment venues may apply for waivers to hold events.
Visit coronvirus.dc.gov/phasetwo for more information.