Georgetown Costars in ‘Wonder Woman 1984’

If you spent the holiday weekend watching movies, chances are you checked out “Wonder Woman 1984,” currently available on HBO Max and in theaters — if you can find one that’s open.

The movie prominently features the D.C. area, particularly Georgetown. Familiar locations, including the landmark Georgetown Theater, the (recreated) Commander Salamander store and the C&O Canal, appear in several scenes.

If you are waxing nostalgic about those Georgetown staples and want to watch the film, be prepared to set aside an entire afternoon. “Wonder Woman 1984” runs two and a half hours.

After a long delay due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the sequel to 2017’s “Wonder Woman” ended up being released at just the right time. The holiday season has been a tough one for many, and seeing the calm strength of Gal Gadot as she portrays the title character is not only refreshing, but gives viewers a sense of “if Wonder Woman can get through this, we can too!”

Local businesses are celebrating the movie’s release with contests and giveaways. The Georgetown Business Improvement District is asking residents inspired by Georgetown’s costarring role in “Wonder Woman 1984” to take a moment to spotlight the “superhero” in their own lives — whether it’s a front-line worker or a parent navigating the world of virtual learning — for a chance to win a prize pack.

Those interested in entering should take a photo standing at one of two “Superhero Spotlights” by the Georgetown sign in front of the former Georgetown Theater at 1351 Wisconsin Ave. NW. In the photo, hold up a sign with your superhero’s name on it or a picture of them (signs and markers will be available inside the building, now a Compass Coffee location). If they are available in person, take a photo together. Then post the photo on social media tagging @OfficialGeorgetownDC, @WonderWomanFilm and #MyGeorgetownSuperhero for a chance to win. The contest ends on Sunday, Jan. 3, with the winner chosen by random drawing and announced on Monday, Jan. 4.

Also, between Dec. 31 and Jan. 2, REDDz Trading is offering a $20 gift card to anyone who comes to the shop wearing a Commander Salamander item. REDDz owner Wendy Ezrailson opened Commander Salamander in 1977, 43 years ago. Closed for a decade, the shop was “reopened” during filming in 2018 to help portray the 1980s time period.

“Everyone is asking why I didn’t have a cameo!” Ezrailson said. “People keep calling me up saying I have to reopen the store.” She believes the movie has done great things for Georgetown in general, commenting: “Everyone loved it.”

Of course, it’s wonderful to see Georgetown in its heyday, as many remember the ’80s. It makes us ponder to what extent, if any, Georgetown businesses will see an uptick in customers due to the movie’s popularity. Perhaps it’s just what the neighborhood needs to get that spark back into the business district.

And, who knows, maybe more movies are in our future.



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