Downtowner DC: Razor Wire, E-Mopeds, Schools, Metrorail, Crime
By March 1, 2021 One Comment 950
Council: Razor Wire Is ‘Wrong Solution’
Calling razor wire the wrong solution to protecting the U.S. Capitol, the District Council is asking congressional leaders to remove the fencing around the landmark building, attacked by pro-Trump demonstrators on Jan. 6. Crews responding to emergencies are forced to used longer and less direct routes, delaying their arrival, noted the Council. The barrier also poses obstacles to the timely transmission of laws requiring review by Congress.
Lime E-Mopeds Coming This Spring
San Francisco-based Lime is planning to introduce e-mopeds in a handful of cities this spring, with Paris and D.C. on the list. This comes on the heels of e-scooter companies attempting to combat an issue on city streets: the dumping of e-scooters along sidewalks. Ford-owned competitor Spin is testing a system that would allow scooter operators to remotely move the vehicles if they end up where they shouldn’t be.
Council Member Says Schools Need Fixing
DC Public Schools aren’t giving students a good education, at least according to Council member Robert White (I-At Large). Saying the schools aren’t working for students of color, English language learners or students with disabilities, White plans to introduce a resolution to set up a special Council committee to do a six-month study on the issue on March 2. Black students make up approximately 75 percent of the DCPS student body.
WMATA Offers Menu of Service Cuts
A new Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority survey is fueling rider anger and frustration. The survey, linked HERE, is asking Washingtonians which Metrorail service cuts they would prefer come 2022, when WMATA’s budget is likely to be cut due to the ongoing pandemic. Among the proposals are: running trains every half hour, including at rush hour; closing more than 20 stations; and shutting down the system at 9 p.m.
Carjacking Spike Driven by Teens
The pandemic has caused a serious problem to fester: bored teens flashing guns in vehicle owner’s faces and carjacking them. New Orleans saw a rise last year and in Chicago and D.C. — where incidents went from 142 in 2019 to 345 in 2020 — the frequency of the crime more than doubled. As of early February, 46 carjackings have already been reported here, including one of former Council member Jack Evans’s vehicle in Georgetown.
Tunnel Shooting May Have Been Road Rage
D.C. police are looking for a driver who shot at another driver in the 3rd Street Tunnel at Massachusetts Avenue NW, a few blocks west of Union Station. On Feb. 25, at approximately 12:30 a.m., someone drove up to a car and began shooting. No one was hurt, but the victim’s car was hit. The victim believed it may have been due to road rage. A photo of a black sedan with a Florida license plate, a vehicle of interest, was shared by police.
Well people are making money with them Jan but unfortunately they are the people at the top of the ladder….