Ukrainian Georgetowner Appeals for Help, Understanding
By February 28, 2022 0 1518
The Georgetowner recently received this letter from a Ukrainian and longtime Georgetown resident Alla Rogers appealing for help in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine:
By Alla Rogers
How can the average American help? Support relief efforts, pray sincerely for Peace in Ukraine, learn more about Ukraine, visit our local Ukrainian Catholic and Orthodox churches. Support the Ukrainian Caucus in Congress.
I am a resident of Georgetown and came here in 1968. I conducted a successful art business here for 30 years. My late husband, Warren Rogers, was a distinguished journalist.
I share a story with millions of Ukrainians living in the U.S.A. and Canada. I was born in 1947 to Ukrainian parents in newly liberated Germany. They survived life in the USSR until captured as slave labor by the Nazi occupiers of Ukraine in 1942.
The most noble of their many achievements was to live in freedom as citizens of the U.S.A. Today, the Ukrainian nation is building a country aspiring toward its own ideals with a foundation deeply rooted in freedom, democracy, dignity and its proud identity with its culture as a single people going back a thousand years.
Ukrainians have revealed themselves to the world in the last few days especially, as fiercely freedom loving, faithful people who will fight together as patriots until their last breath. They are also tender, generous, good humored and very hard working. I hope everyone in world gets to know the real Ukraine, not Putin’s delusional propaganda-filled ravings and lies.
Learn more about its history and culture, its food, its music its art. If possible, someday visit Ukraine. You will find friends there and a great and noble nation.
Pray for peace and the end to this dangerous and senseless war.
To donate, please consider the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America,