Ukraine’s Profile in Courage
By February 28, 2022 One Comment 1524
The situation in Ukraine is your classic David-and-Goliath story and, at this moment, it looks as though David may be winning. Or at least holding his own. Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who first came to our attention as a key actor in former President Trump’s first impeachment drama, has now stepped into the breach — and spotlight — showing us all what true courage and leadership look like. The Russian blitzkrieg has so far been no match for the Ukrainian hearts-and-minds campaign he has almost singlehandedly waged in personal appearances, social media, selfie-videos and patriotic messaging that exhort every citizen to rise up and resist the invasion.
As an MSNBC reporter said on Sunday, Zelenskyy is the embodiment of that old English phrase (some attribute to Shakespeare): “Cometh the hour, cometh the man.”
To his people, he says, “We are here.” To U.S. authorities who offered to fly him to safety, he responds, “We need ammunition, not a lift.” To the Russians, he speaks over the head of their leader, and urges them to protest their own government’s actions. Which, amazingly and in great force, they have.
Do you think Americans could summon the same fortitude and unity to come together like this for the common good? Recent evidence — pro-Putin statements from people who should know better than to put cult before country — suggest not.
To help the people of Ukraine, please consider giving to one of these organizations:
International Rescue Committee
Global Giving
Amnesty USA
Save the Children
World Central Kitchen
Fundraiser for Medical Supplies to Ukraine Front Lines
St Andrew’s Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral
Ukraine Emergency Fund by the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington:
International Fund for Animal Welfare
Army SOS
RAZOM for Ukraine
The Kyiv Independent