The Georgetowner ‘News Cyclers’ Raising Funds for Cancer Research
By September 29, 2022 One Comment 1087
•Cancer Awareness Month begins October 1. According to the National Cancer Institute, roughly 1.9 million people will be diagnosed with cancer and an estimated 609,360 people will die of cancer this year in the United States.
At The Georgetowner, many of us have experienced the trauma of cancer in our families and among our friends and loved ones. So we invite you to join us as we ride in the inaugural BellRinger bike ride to raise funds for Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center on October 22. BellRinger is not only a fundraising bike ride but a year-round effort to end cancer.
Our movement is motivated by a community of Riders, Virtual Riders, volunteers, and donors working together to further our impact.
The Georgetowner News Cyclers have made a commitment to fundraising, and we invite you to join us by donating to our efforts and supporting life-saving cancer research at Georgetown Lombardi. We’re inspired by the ground-breaking work of their research and treatment centers and know we can make a difference together.
To understand more about why we’re motivated to join the BellRinger ride this year, see our articles here and here. Come ride with us and join the effort or please give whatever you can.
For our team page go to The Georgetowner News Cyclers.
Unfortunately, I will not be able to join the bike ride, but I would like to make a contribution.