Our Next Cultural Leadership Breakfast Speaker: Artistic Director, Choral Arts Society

On Thursday, Dec. 15, from 8 to 9:30 a.m., The Georgetowner’s Cultural Leadership Breakfast Series will welcome Jace Kaholokula Saplan, artistic director of the Choral Arts Society of Washington. Admission to the breakfast, held at the Tabard Inn, 1739 N St. NW, is $30, payable in advance via Eventbrite. 

The 2022-23 season is Dr. Saplan’s first with Choral Arts, a symphonic choir founded in 1965 by the late Norman Scribner. Choral Arts now comprises three ensembles: a 160-voice Symphonic Chorus; the Chamber Singers, with about 30 voices; and a Youth Choir. 

Associate professor and director of choral activities at Arizona State University, Dr. Saplan, a Kanaka Maoli (Indigenous Hawaiian) advocate, artist and culture bearer, is also the founder and artistic director of Nā Wai Choral Collective. Earlier this year, the Obama Foundation’s Leaders Asia-Pacific program named Dr. Saplan as part of its 2022 cohort. 

At the breakfast, Dr. Saplan will share how their Hawaiian upbringing led to their belief that “choral music can change the world,” and how that belief is guiding their plans for Choral Arts. 

Since 2014, The Georgetowner’s monthly Cultural Leadership Breakfast Series has presented 46 insider talks by heads of area museums, theater and dance companies, performing arts venues and other arts organizations.  

To purchase tickets to the Dec. 15 breakfast, click HERE.  



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