Inaugural Georgetown Christmas Caroling Big Hit
By December 19, 2022 One Comment 1423
•The First Annual Georgetown Community Christmas Caroling on Dec. 11 proved an instant hit. “We had 50 carolers, and we stopped at six homes,” organizer and advisory neighborhood commissioner Elizabeth Miller told The Georgetowner.
The carolers began at 28th and R Street and walked west to visit selected households. Neighbors warmly greeted carolers with chocolates, candy canes, lots of smiles and picture-taking.
“Our final stop was the beautiful front yard of Michael Rankin and Mark Green who had homemade cookies, cocoa from Bitty & Beau’s Coffee, and bottles and bottles of Veuve Clicquot,” Miller said. “Many thanks to the Georgetown Chorale which accompanied our merry band of carolers.”
Familiar faces along the R Street route made for a special Yuletude feeling as carolers toasted the season and departed before sunset — with a few latecomers singing “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” one more time.
Save the date: Miller has already scheduled the Second Annual Georgetown Community Christmas Caroling for Sunday, Dec. 10, 2023.
Beautiful Event, would love to participate.