Food & Wine
A Firsthand Try at Baking Blue Duck Tavern’s Famous Apple Pie
Weekend Roundup: March 20-23
News & Politics
Iconic Furniture Designer and Maker Thomas Moser Dies at Age 90
Playwright Karen Zacarías: ‘Age of Innocence’ Speaks to Today’s Gilded Age
$1-Billion D.C. Budget Cutback Clawed Back by Bowser
Capital Fringe Is in Full Swing
July 11, 2019
•This year’s festival fairly sings with ideas about what it’s like to be a young, old, female, male, transgender, serious or silly human being today in a world that we made ourselves, in our dreams and schemes and in our ballot box.
Weekend Round Up July 11, 2019
Capital Fringe shows are popping up all over Southwest and you can pop a cork for Bastille Day at several locations, including the Perry Belmont House.
Summer Arts Preview: Performance
May 16, 2019
•Highlights of the summer season in theater, opera, music and dance, along with the harder-to-classify By The People and Capital Fringe Festivals.
Weekend Round Up July 26, 2018
July 26, 2018
•On Saturday, after an aquatic happy hour, you can hear Willie Colón and the best of Wagner’s Ring. Recover on Sunday with glassblowing at Glen Echo and landscape-looking at Waverly Street Gallery.
Weekend Round Up July 19, 2018
July 19, 2018
•This weekend, adults can tap into comedy at the Kennedy Center and kids can widen their eyes at the National Gallery and stretch their ears at Wolf Trap.
Weekend Round Up July 12, 2018
July 12, 2018
•In between Capital Fringe shows, spend time outside, cleaning up Theodore Roosevelt Island and picnicking with sculptures at the Kreeger and to the sounds of folk and Southern rock in Rose Park.
It’s (Capital) Fringe Month!
July 9, 2018
•Plays in the festival, which runs through July 29, are all uniformly and un-uniformly out of the mainstream, unique, fresh and original. Our writer’s system is to look for companies with odd names and plays with offbeat themes.
Weekend Round Up July 5, 2018
July 5, 2018
•Asian culture is on display, with an art opening at the Korean Cultural Center on Friday, the Chinatown Community Festival on Saturday and a festival of South Asian Dance on Saturday and Sunday.
Ort Productions: Beauty and the Beat
May 17, 2018
•An interaction haunts you. Oddly, you recall the incident, a mere blip, tiny gasp. The beauty of the moment is that it has a life of its own, like a […]
Ort Productions: Beauty and the Beat
An interaction haunts you. Oddly, you recall the incident, a mere blip, tiny gasp. The beauty of the moment is that it has a life of its own, like a […]