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Rick Hindin, Co-founder of Britches of Georgetowne and GBA, Dies at 82
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37th Lombardi Gala Honors Those Who Made Transformative Contributions in Cancer Research
‘Setting Sail’ at Hillwood
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Danny Lledo’s Xiquet: A Clean, Minimalistic Aesthetic
First CAG Take Over the Bar Event a Big Success
Tech Tip: If You’ve Ever Said This, You’re Asking to Be Hacked
March 29, 2021
•Half of all cyberattacks are aimed at small businesses BECAUSE they make themselves low-hanging fruit, with sloppy or nonexistent security protocols.
Tech Tip: The Number-One Threat to Your Security Is …
March 22, 2021
•Human beings are our own worst enemies online, inviting hackers, viruses, data breaches, data loss, etc., through the seemingly innocent actions taken every day.
3 Rules for Keeping Your Data Safe in the Cloud
March 15, 2021
•If you’re using any kind of cloud application — and these days, who isn’t? — you’re right to be concerned about data privacy and security.
Tech Tip: You’ve Been Hacked! What’s the First Thing You Should Do?
March 8, 2021
•The faster the pros can address the attack — and determine the extent of the data, applications and machines compromised — the better your chances of preventing bigger problems.
Tech Tip: A Warning If You Handle, Process or Store Client Credit Cards
March 1, 2021
•Are you subject to Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards if you take credit card payments over the phone? Absolutely!
Tech Tip: Your Firewall Is Useless, Unless …
February 22, 2021
•A firewall is a device that acts like a security cop, watching over your computer network to detect unauthorized access and activity.
Tech Tip: Don’t Just Close Your Browser
February 15, 2021
•If you simply close your browser, some of the session information that a hacker can use to gain entry is still running in the background.
Tech Tip: Make This Password Unlike All the Rest
February 8, 2021
•You know you’re guilty of it: using the same password for everything. And yes, it’s annoying to try and remember all those passwords. But read on.
Tech Tip: Set Up Bank Alerts Now!
February 1, 2021
•Many banks will send you an email alert whenever money is withdrawn from your account via check, debit card or transfer.
Tech Tip: Work Computers and Devices Are Only for One Thing …
January 25, 2021
•If you’re using a company device to access a compromised account, you’re opening up a door to a hacker — who can then get into your company’s network via your email or PC.