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Rick Hindin, Co-founder of Britches of Georgetowne and GBA, Dies at 82
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37th Lombardi Gala Honors Those Who Made Transformative Contributions in Cancer Research
‘Setting Sail’ at Hillwood
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Danny Lledo’s Xiquet: A Clean, Minimalistic Aesthetic
First CAG Take Over the Bar Event a Big Success
Tech Tip: Use Strong Passwords!
November 9, 2020
•You know you need to have a better password than “password” or “letmein” to have any hope of keeping hackers out of your PC, but what does a “strong” password mean?
Tech Tip: Working From Home? Don’t! Until You Read This …
November 2, 2020
•Only devices that are under an expert provider’s vigilant watch of patching, updating and monitoring should be used for working remotely.
Tech Tip: This Will Shock You About Bank Fraud on Business Accounts
October 26, 2020
•Go ask your bank what its policy is on refunding money stolen from your business account. Many people think the FDIC protects you from fraud. It doesn’t.
Tech Tip: Is My PCI Compliance Good Enough to Serve as a Network Cybersecurity Audit?
October 19, 2020
•While the PCI architecture and requirements overlap network security issues, a network security audit is going to take a deeper look into how you utilize the technology you own.
Tech Tip: Is It Time for Cybersecurity Planning?
October 13, 2020
•Decisions made after you discover transferred funds are driven by emotion. Don’t wait to reach out for the expertise needed to develop and evaluate your “cybersecure” plan.
Tech Tip: Should My Computer Be Encrypted?
October 5, 2020
•A password doesn’t stop someone from removing the hard drive from your laptop and connecting it to another computer — suddenly your hard drive is sitting there, ready to browse.
Tech Tip: New Quarter, New Passwords
September 28, 2020
•Your IT department or provider can help you develop strong password policies. Changing passwords and maintaining separate passwords is a lot of work, but the cybersociety we live in demands it.
Tech Tip: Do You Allow Guests to Access Your WiFi Network?
September 21, 2020
•If you give out your employees’ password, you’re practically opening the door for anyone to come in and steal private information — even your customers’ credit card data.
Tech Tip: Do You Enter Your PIN When You Use Your Debit Card?
September 14, 2020
•It’s commonplace to pay for a cup of coffee with plastic. How you swipe that plastic, though, makes a big difference in how you are protected from your neighborhood cyberthief.
Tech Tip: Is This Request Really From the Boss?
August 31, 2020
•A common scam going around requires everyone to be on their toes. Here’s the situation …