Social Scene
BID Bids Farewell to Longtime CEO Joe Sternlieb
Rarely Performed Choral Masterpieces, March 16
‘The Bedwetter’ a Humorous, Relatable Time
Weekend Roundup: March 6-9
Social Scene
Neighbors Dress Up for an Oscars House Party
Tech Tip: Start With the Basics
July 8, 2019
•In this day and age, there is more to the security “basics” than a solid firewall. A single crack in your armor can open the door for network attacks.
Tech Tip: Your Firewall Is Useless Unless …
April 29, 2019
•Your firewall needs to be upgraded and patched on a continual and consistent basis. Also, security policies and configurations need to be set.
Tech Tip: Never Connect to Company Data on a Personal Device
February 11, 2019
•If you are working on a home PC and not diligently updating and monitoring the antivirus software, firewall and security patches on the machine, then there’s a high probability you’re infected with spyware or malware.