News & Politics
Rick Hindin, Co-founder of Britches of Georgetowne and GBA, Dies at 82
Social Scene
37th Lombardi Gala Honors Those Who Made Transformative Contributions in Cancer Research
‘Setting Sail’ at Hillwood
Food & Wine
Danny Lledo’s Xiquet: A Clean, Minimalistic Aesthetic
First CAG Take Over the Bar Event a Big Success
Weekend Round Up November 27, 2019
November 27, 2019
•Need a spot for Thanksgiving dinner? Check out the Mansion on O. The day after, you can tuck into a Thanksgiving Leftover Sandwich at Brasserie Liberté.
Weekend Round Up July 19, 2018
July 19, 2018
•This weekend, adults can tap into comedy at the Kennedy Center and kids can widen their eyes at the National Gallery and stretch their ears at Wolf Trap.