Ins & Outs: Green Almond Pantry, The Lantern, Sandlot, Budd & Co., L. Priori

May 12, 2021

Green Almond Pantry, the Mediterranean cafe counter and market from chef-owner Cagla Onal, reopened on Grace Street NW on May 13.

L’Annexe: New Neighborhood Hot Spot

October 10, 2019

At the Oct. 9 opening, neighbors stopped by to congratulate co-owner Fady Saba and his wife Joanna and say hello to each other amid a festive aura of mixed drinks and small plates.

Johnny Spero’s Reverie to Open Oct. 6

October 4, 2018

In an alley off 3210 Grace St. NW, next to Dog Tag Bakery, the 64-seat Reverie — with its spare, clean look, in line with Japanese and Nordic designs — should become the town’s hot reservation.

Cheers to 85 Years: Martin’s Tavern

September 13, 2018

By Gary Tischler and Robert Devaney Change is everywhere, even in Georgetown, with its brick sidewalks, college and church spires, old mansions and row houses — the Potomac River going […]