D.C. Council to Be Majority Women, Majority Black

November 5, 2020

Tuesday’s election had some expected wins in Washington, D.C. — Joe Biden, Brooke Pinto, Vincent Gray — and a few surprises, such as a win for Christina Henderson.

The Georgetowner Endorses …

October 14, 2020

Here they are: The Georgetowner Editorial Board’s endorsements for President of the United States, District Council members and advisory neighborhood commissioners.

Saving Georgetown’s Ginkgo Trees

October 5, 2020

Trees for Georgetown proposed a pilot program in which a crew will clean the sidewalks on 27th Street between N and Dumbarton Streets for six weeks.

Market Relocates for Rose Park Upgrade

September 29, 2020

Reconfigured for the pandemic, the Wednesday-afternoon outdoor market will now relocate to the basketball courts at the corner of 26th and O Streets NW.

Homelessness: A Growing Neighborhood Concern

September 3, 2020

Positive developments regarding the issue of homelessness include the reopening of Georgetown Ministry Center, which is offering “modified window services.”