News & Politics
Tech Tip: Email Encryption Made Easy
Tech Tip: Make This Password Different From Everything Else
March 9, 2020
•If an e-commerce site you’ve registered at gets hacked, and you’ve used your email password to register, you can pretty much bet hackers are going to gain access to your in-box.
Tech Tip: Set Up Bank Alerts Now!
March 2, 2020
•Many banks will send you an email alert whenever money is withdrawn from your account via check, debit card or transfer.
Tech Tip: Work Computers and Devices Are for One Thing Only
February 24, 2020
•If you want to check your Hotmail account or Facebook page, do it during your lunch break and on your own personal device. More than 600,000 Facebook accounts are hacked every day.
Tech Tip: Don’t Go on Public WiFi Until You Read This …
February 18, 2020
•Whether it’s at the coffee shop, the hotel or the airport, the temptation to check email and surf the web is just too strong to resist.
Tech Tip: The Dangers of Dropbox (and Other File Sync Apps)
February 10, 2020
•Over seven million (!) Dropbox accounts have been hacked, giving cybercriminals a path into company networks.
Tech Tip: What to Do Before You Go to Starbucks
February 3, 2020
•An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. So make sure you’re engaging your IT people to encrypt and back up your data.
Tech Tip: Remove That Unwanted Freeware
January 27, 2020
•Clutter is the enemy of a speedy PC. If you’re not using a particular software on a regular basis, it’s best to remove it completely.
Tech Tip: If You Installed It, You Must Update It
January 21, 2020
•Once a known vulnerability is announced via a patch, hackers get to work like crazy trying to figure out how to use the vulnerability and access those users who are lazy about installing updates.
Tech Tip: Bookmark the Websites You Frequently Visit
January 13, 2020
•Here’s a sneaky trick used by many hackers. They purchase and set up a fraudulent website that is a close misspelling of a legitimate one.
Tech Tip: Never Use Personal Devices to Connect to Company Data
January 6, 2020
•Since most malware is designed to operate in total stealth mode, undetected, you won’t know that some hacker is watching you log in to your company’s file server or key cloud application.