Murphy’s Love: Advice on Intimacy and Relationships

April 19, 2017

Dear Stacy, I’ve been dating a man for more than two years. We are both approaching 40. Things have been wonderful between us as we are very compatible and have […]

Murphy’s Love: Advice on Intimacy and Relationships

March 6, 2017

*Hi Stacy,* *My 26-year marriage has seen many ups and downs, but we love each other and adore our son. We were struggling through a major financial crisis that had […]

Murphy’s Love: Advice on Intimacy and Relationships

*Dear Stacy,* *My wife and I have been married for two years. During that time our love life has disappeared. She has a bad history with some abusive exes, a […]

Murphy’s Love: Advice on Intimacy and Relationships

*Dear Stacy,* *My daughter is struggling with making friends (she’s in middle school) and her mood about this is affecting our household. We have tried so many things, like after-school […]

Murphy’s Love: Advice on Intimacy and Relationships

*Dear Stacy,* *My daughter-in-law never asks me to babysit. My husband and I live close by and are always excited to be included in family events and activities, but she […]

Murphy’s Love: Advice on Intimacy and Relationships

January 30, 2017

Dear Stacy:

I know this isn’t likely to get a response when I need it, but it’s still worth asking what you think about the disparity between husbands and wives, regarding gift-giving. The long story is that my husband totally dropped the ball with Mother’s Day. The kids had thrown together some cards from school, but he didn’t do a single thing to make the day special (besides telling me I could “sleep in,” after our kids already woke me up). Now it’s Father’s Day and I, unlike him, am thinking about it far enough in advance to even send a question to an advice column. Basically, I am 1,000 times more thoughtful than he is and I am having a hard time not “planning” to give him a horrible Father’s Day so he can see just how it feels. I know you’re going to tell me to talk to him – but what do I say? “You are a sucky partner, so I’m done making you feel special?”

-Angry in Advance

Dear Angry,
I’m really sorry you had a bad Mother’s Day. Does Husband know you had a bad Mother’s Day? And more specifically, was this something you actually said, not something you implied via passive aggressive pouting? My guess would be that no, Husband has no idea that you were expecting something that did not materialize. So yes, you need to talk to him.

But not now.

You need to wait and breathe and relax now that Father’s Day is over, and get a handle on what it is you want to say. We need to set aside the clichés about men and bad gift-giving (women actually are equally bad, btw, we just don’t get the press the guys do). You say you did not feel special – that is where we start. Many of us arrived at our first Mother’s/Father’s Days without much experience beyond rushing flowers across the country to our own parents, so please give yourselves a break about not being completely sure of what you expect and what you can give on those days. If this is important to you, then it’s important enough to use all the skills we have in the relationship to clear the air. In other words – say something non-accusatory about not feeling special on Mother’s Day. Include a line about wanting to help you both get what you need on those days in the future. Then you two can negotiate what feels right for your marriage.

Stacy Notaras Murphy is a licensed professional counselor and certified Imago Relationship therapist, practicing in Georgetown. This column is meant for entertainment only and should not be considered a substitute for professional counseling. Send your confidential question to

‘Sexting’ Is A Wakeup Call

December 7, 2016

Hi Stacy, My 26-year marriage has seen many ups and downs, but we love each other and adore our son. We were struggling through a major financial crisis that had […]

Plus-One: Ready or Not?

November 9, 2016

Dear Stacy, I have been hanging out with a girl for a few months. We’re both just out of college and it’s nothing serious, but we do spend a lot […]

Murphy’s Love: Advice on Intimacy and Relationships

October 26, 2016

Dear Stacy, You are usually recommending that couples go see a therapist together. I am wondering what it would take for a couples therapist to say that he or she […]

Propositioned By Friends’ Husbands – Why?

October 20, 2016

*Dear Stacy, I am a reasonably attractive, mid-30s, married mother of two young kids. My marriage is strong. We have our issues but we have the tools to manage them […]