Memorial Day Reflections — From The Georgetowner Archives

May 25, 2020

Here is a account of Memorial Day 2013 by our late colleague and writer Gary Tischler — Right Time, Right Place, Memorial Day Reflections.

We Cannot Afford to Get This Wrong

May 6, 2020

How Mayor Bowser and the District Council respond to the economic crisis in the weeks ahead will shape the long-term path towards D.C.’s prosperity for a generation. We cannot afford […]

Facing a Two-Front Crisis

May 5, 2020

The District is facing a two-front exigent crisis. At one front, a health crisis with the potential to cripple the city’s health system, with thousands sick and many potential deaths; […]

Taking Earth Day to Heart

April 22, 2020

The spring, the summer, The childing autumn, angry winter, change Their wonted liveries, and the mazèd world, By their increase, now knows not which is which — “A Midsummer Night’s […]

COVID-19 by the Numbers: How Bad Is It?

March 26, 2020

The number of known positive cases is growing everywhere. But the determining factors in the severity of the disease are the number and percentage of deaths.

A Chat With Dr. Tousimis

March 11, 2020

FOR THE PIONEERING PHYSICIAN, THE ROAD TO HAPPINESS IS PAVED WITH PEACE, PASSION AND PURPOSE On paper, Dr. Eleni Tousimis is an intimidating figure. An award-winning physician and professional dynamo, […]

Ward 2 Debate: Evans Wants Second Chance, Gets Boos

March 6, 2020

Jack Evans participated in the March 5 forum alongside eight other candidates, all vying for the Ward 2 Council seat he resigned in January.

Super Tuesday Was a Real ‘Horse Race’ After All

March 4, 2020

What’s Left After Biden’s Stunning Super Tuesday Wins? Super Tuesday — March 3, when 14 states held their Democratic primary elections for President of the United States — actually resembled […]

Georgetowners of the Year: 2019 

December 30, 2019

This year’s group: a woman who is much more than a top real estate agent; a publicist all the utilities know well; and a church marking 225 years as a source of societal strength and spiritual nourishment.

Jack Evans Saga Plays Alongside the Trump Show

December 5, 2019

That old saying and song — “All politics is local” — continued to play in Washington this week,  as the story of the political fate of the longest-serving D.C. Council […]