17 Years Since the Day the World Changed

September 10, 2018

When was the last time people talked about that bright, clear-blue day that fell apart around 9 a.m. and spiraled into a national day of catastrophe, death, chaos and heroics?     

John McCain: The Long Goodbye

September 3, 2018

The presence and participation of the two presidents, George W. Bush and Barack Obama, was practically an ode to embracing bipartisanship, as opposed to a eulogy for it, as well as a kind of affront to the absence of President Donald Trump.

RIP Brenna

August 22, 2018

Clothier Louis Everard’s beloved cocker spaniel, Brenna, often seen greeting guests and passersby outside his shop at 1802 Wisconsin Ave. NW, passed away after 12 loving years on earth. “I […]

To the Edi-purr

Translated from the meow To Whom It May Concern: I have long been a fan of your paper, which I love to curl up and nap on once my owner […]

Metro: No Silver Bullet

August can be a quiet time for the District Council. No hearings or votes are scheduled until we reconvene in mid-September. But I still find that Metro keeps me very […]

Enough Already With Sidewalk Widening

Some dogs won’t hunt, even after months or years of wanting them to. Georgetown is experiencing just such a dilemma. A good sounding project is proposed: “Why not widen the […]

A Rally and a Parade, Deflated

Usually, when the District of Columbia is referenced in the national media, it comes from television reporters planted on the White House lawn or in front of the Supreme Court. […]

A Fund for Community Newspapers?

August 8, 2018

It’s the dog days of summer and — while we’d love to be able to relax a bit and go rollin’ on the river with our pups — the news […]

Yes, Reading Is Fundamental

July 25, 2018

With this issue focusing on books and reading, The Georgetowner asked non-profit RIF to explain its mission and work. Twenty-five million children in the United States can’t read proficiently, and […]

Rising Homeless Presence Requires New Focus

With the warm weather, the tents of presumably homeless people are increasingly visible along the river walkways, in the new bikeways and under the freeways and bridges of Georgetown. Their […]