SCOTUS Springs a Leak 

May 11, 2022

Leaks are pernicious things. You often don’t know you have one until water starts to drip down your wall or a stain creeps across the ceiling. It’s not a good […]

Thanks to the Georgetown House Tour — and Frida Burling  

The Patrons’ Party on April 20 for the 2022 Georgetown House Tour at the Langhorne residence was a happy affair with grateful Georgetowners gathering to support the tour and saying […]

Editorial: Sound and Fury 

April 13, 2022

Forget the calendar. It may say Spring, but we seem to be stuck in a “winter of discontent” that plays on and on in an endless loop.   From Ukraine, where […]

Getting to Know The Georgetowner: Meet Kate Oczypok 

Kate Oczypok does a little bit of everything at The Georgetowner. She writes, manages the paper’s social media accounts and sells advertising too. Kate is a newlywed, having married her […]

Google’s Online Dictionary: Sub-Optimal, Rubbishy 

April 4, 2022

Sure, we all turn to Google to launch our web searches and often find what we were looking for in just a few clicks. But, has anyone noticed just how […]

The Importance of Arts Education 

March 9, 2022

Nowadays, we hear a lot about the importance of a STEM — or Science, Technology, Engineering and Math — education. Some schools have added an “A” to this formula to […]

Ukrainian Georgetowner Appeals for Help, Understanding

February 28, 2022

The Georgetowner recently received this letter from a Ukrainian and longtime Georgetown resident Alla Rogers appealing for help in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: By Alla Rogers How can […]

Ukraine’s Profile in Courage

The situation in Ukraine is your classic David-and-Goliath story and, at this moment, it looks as though David may be winning. Or at least holding his own. Ukrainian president Volodymyr […]

Margaret Brennan of ‘Face the Nation’ Discusses Ukraine at Q&A Café 

February 24, 2022

Margaret Brennan, moderator of “Face the Nation,” at CBS News, drew a capacity crowd to Carol Joynt’s Q&A Café Feb 22 at the George Town Club.   A producer at “Face […]

Knowing and Celebrating Georgetown’s Black History  

February 9, 2022

Thirty years ago, The Georgetowner hosted a reception for a book that helped the town rediscover part of its past. “Black Georgetown Remembered” is now a classic of Black history […]