Meeting on Main Street Grants, March 4

March 2, 2020

To qualify for a grant, applicants will have to document expenses they have incurred or intend to incur during the period from October of 2019 to Sept. 15, 2020.

ANC 2E: 31st St. Bridge, Census, Café Georgetown

February 28, 2020

Tonight’s meeting of Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2E will include an update on the 31st Street Bridge replacement project.

Park Service Approves C&O Canal Plan

February 27, 2020

Among the plan’s design concepts are improved canal and towpath access and accessibility, increased interpretive and educational opportunities and more welcoming and usable open spaces.

Georgetown Bus Service Reductions Planned

February 24, 2020

A public meeting with the WMATA board regarding the proposed changes is scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 26, at 4 p.m. at the agency’s headquarters, 600 5th St. NW.

Whole Foods in Glover Park Will Reopen

February 21, 2020

The store’s 2017 closure, “due to a rodent problem,” grew into a contract and remodeling dispute between building owner Wical and Whole Foods, acquired by Amazon that year.

Comprehensive Plan Amendments, Language Concern ANC

February 18, 2020

On Feb. 12, a quorum of Georgetown-Burleith advisory neighborhood commissioners lugged two thick copies to Visitation School for a two-hour-plus once-over.

GU272: Advocating for Descendants of the Enslaved

February 12, 2020

In 1838, the Jesuits of Maryland sold 272 enslaved persons to plantations in Louisiana — in part to pay off debts for the struggling Georgetown College in Washington, D.C. It […]

Police Raid Mr Nice Guys Again

February 3, 2020

On Jan. 18, for the second time in three months, a CBD smoke shop in Georgetown was raided by police in SWAT gear.

Partial Closure of M Street in Georgetown

January 30, 2020

According to DDOT, the project, to carry out sidewalk and in-road bus pad repairs, is due to be completed by Thursday, Feb. 20.

E-Scooters to Be Corralled

January 27, 2020

Three corral locations in Georgetown are on the list: near the corners of N and Thomas Jefferson Streets, 33rd and M Streets and 26th and P Streets NW.